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marce_245 2009-07-24 00:07

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
So basically what you're saying Lord Raiden is that we can't use this type of url with the current Maemo Mapper. It would be necessary to upgrade the program?. There is no workaround without upgrading?

Lord Raiden 2009-07-24 00:32

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Short answer: No.

Long answer: Right now, no. Because the schemas for converting the URL's are all hard coded into the program. That's why I was thinking that gnuite, the guy who built it, could maybe add a plugin system (or someone else could add it for him) so that it'll make doing schema changes easier in the future, especially since they're changing so fast now.

There's also one other URL that we can't use right now, and that's the Google Maps Satellite version, since the URL is dynamic in ways that would make your head spin. I know Gnuite is aware of them, but I doubt he can adapt fast enough to deal with all the changes going down right now. So for the moment, until some better solution is created, your URL won't work.

FRZ 2009-07-24 02:37

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
I still can't use the google maps and downloading more then 2gb of maps for ve hybrid. I tried deleting the repositories to start over but I don't think it worked.

Lord Raiden 2009-07-24 02:44

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Did you start a new repository, set the DB type as SQlite3, and then enter all the google stuff, and set the DB to a name other than what the other repository was using? That's what I had to do to get it to work.

MountainX 2009-07-25 18:11

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
I can't figure this out. I just started using Maemo Mapper and I am trying to use Google streets view. I gives me the same errors as the first post in this thread: "NN maps failed to download".

After reading posts here, it seems like I have the correct URL format. I didn't have to change it. It uses the "zoom" parameter.

Does anyone have the CURRENT steps to get MM working with Google maps? Thanks

EDIT: after reading post #222, maybe Lord Raiden is saying that Google maps is broken now and there's nothing I can do... ???

bunanson 2009-07-25 22:18

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
This thread #176, the link works for me and some users, and it is working today.


poliorcetes 2009-07-26 20:38

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
I would like to use a WMS service called sigpac ( ). They said that their WMS service is accesible using this URL:

As is, it doesn't work. I have tried several combinations in order to guess the correct format of URL for linking maemo mapper with sigpac WMS service, but none worked.

Any hint? What can I do?

Thanks in advance


ishida336 2009-07-26 20:53

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Now, something I've been terribly lost on, and I would like ot ask about...

Does Maemo Mapper ACTUALLY DO navigation? Or does it just overlay tracks over an image, which then have to be downloaded or pre-recorded and saved?

I'm asking because i don't want to activate Wayfinder, but I would like a way to navigate if I get lost.

Lord Raiden 2009-07-27 00:42

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
It doesn't do actual navigation. Just tracks and routes. It does have POI's inside those tracks with little announcements when you're getting close and where to turn and such, but garmin it is not. However, I took it for a test run today on a trip to Harrison, MI and it did pretty good. It kinda gagged the tablet after running for a while (wouldn't want MM and Canola running at the same time, that's for certain) but otherwise it did good for what I expected it to do. IE, it told me where I was at, showed a little green line (the route) telling me where I should be going, and the rest worked out great. I got to my final destination and back without any hickups. I was even able to take a detour off the main route (shaved several miles off my trip) and pick up my route again on the other side.

As some others here have stated, it's not a full GPS navigation system, but as a navigation reference system, it's awesome. :)

daemonforce 2009-08-11 21:43

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by LES.. (Post 292942)
It seems Google have changed the URL again, this now works for me:

This is the only method that finally worked for me.

Google's cartography is rediculously accurate and that's what I'll need in the near future. So when I noticed that the default settings for this sample didn't work, I started poking around here.

Google maps has proven to be safe enough for me. Maemo Mapper however, has not.
Do not archive the map DB on the boot disk.
Do not layer POIs in the map repository.
At least put everything in MMC2 or something large or things are going to get very slow and ugly. As far as the map storage goes, basically there's two ways to go about this.
Legacy: Fast downloads, maps load fast, the DB is HUGE and appends quickly.
SQL: Very SLOW downloads, maps load fast, the DB is tiny but appends about as fast as a 233 Intel running MSDE. :(

Depending on what you're like the tradeoffs could be the difference between sink or swim. Personally I'm going to use the SQL method until I can add a large memory card to my shopping list. Also, I'm noticing the GPS tracker gets a lock much faster now. I wonder what I was doing wrong in the beginning. :\

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