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nilchak 2010-08-07 01:30

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
I am most dissapointed in the seeming lack of interest in a tablet device by Nokia. Guess I have to wait for a MeeGo Tablet from some other party.

And to think that he (and Nokia) still want to carry on with the Booklet experiment.

volt 2010-08-07 01:33

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
But it is excellent for keeping up with Pink - or in my case @quimgil.

"New MeeGo Handset release running in the N900. Rough stuff, but enough for warming up brave testers. Installation docs just as rough."
about 3 hours ago via web from Mountain View, CA

Inacurate 2010-08-07 01:33

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 777383)
That's fair. I have a lot of Adobe folks I follow because of prior interaction with them on Flash, Flex, Flash Catalyst, Creative Suite (beta testing) whatnot.

I follow a rather small set of folks, the people that follow me... they endure my rants about everything.

I pity them.

I think we have all had some very interesting, thought provoking conversations on Twitter.

The 140 character limit is just awful, or so the mass users like to say loudly. I think, being limited to 140 characters per message makes you really THINK before you type.

It forces you to make every word count, and in the age of the internet where words are worth less than the webpages they are displayed on, I feel Twitter creates the importance that has been lost as society has become desensitized to the influx of opinions, comments and complaints.

Like Texrat, I won't deny he was sticking to a script..but really if people were expecting him to say "April Fool's" on Maemo and the N8 is shipping tomorrow, we have a saying for that usually reserved for Apple fans: Please step outside of the reality distortion field!! :)

Also, Engadget just posted a review in which it can be clearly seen that the Twitter 140 limit was really holding back a lot of his answers. Sure, they would have still been PR friendly, but they'd have been longer! :) And more is better, right? Right?

abill_uk 2010-08-07 02:06

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
The picture from Nokia has been unfolding for some time now and for sure it is going full pelt into Meego so if that is the case and when Meego is finally supporting all components in ANY Nokia device we will know then it is time for it to be ported to the N900.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for the N900 to be dead in any event simply because it lacks only the full driver source, and when THAT is available and it will be pretty damm soon, a full working Meego OS will be adapted for the N900 thanks to stkeeps and his followers.

Rather interesting link to read Inacurate provided ( weird name lol ) as it potrays very much the sentiments of the new ceo from Nokia so it has to be taken serious.

Patience patience and as we head into November i am sure we will have some graded success on the Meego platform for the N900 so only a matter of time.

IS the N900 dead ? ha absolutely no way !!! and as the usb port problem has now been sorted out it means we indeed do have a heck of a MOBILE COMPUTER on our hands.

NB: Nokia can no way shelve support for the N900 WITHOUT giving us ALL drivers !!!.

volt 2010-08-07 02:13

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Nokia can no way shelve support for the N810 WITHOUT giving us ALL drivers!!!.


inidrog 2010-08-07 02:33

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 778459)

NB: Nokia can no way shelve support for the N900 WITHOUT giving us ALL drivers !!!.

Oh.. why not?

abill_uk 2010-08-07 02:45

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by inidrog (Post 778471)
Oh.. why not?

Maybe you should have a read of this...


Today , 11:33 AM
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Just wondering, did anyone bother to ask what exactly what kind of commitment exists regarding the MeeGo hardware adaptation for Nokia N900, instead of guessing?

Let me draw out some phases of a hardware adaptation:

1) Optionally adapt the OS to your chipset (ARM, X86, MIPS, whatever) . This was done initially by a cooperative effort by the same team currently bringing you MeeGo to N900 (ever wondered why we're called #meego-arm ?), the LF guys and the Intel OS&release guys with some help and guidance.

2) Upstream kernel changes to Linux kernel as this is a requirement for inclusion in MeeGo kernel. This means that when a change breaks MeeGo kernel, it gets noticed and fixed

3) Port any hardware support bits (BME, 3d accelerator drivers, WiFi firmware). Make scripts that fix issues/add features specific to the device that would be different from the base system.

4) Testing, testing, testing. A large bunch of test cases is getting written, problems found in hardware adaptation.

5) Feature completion. All the code is there matching hardware capabilities and has to be maintained.

From there on, things follow the 'seasons' of MeeGo, check out the typical release timeline

The most important phase is the Intrusive Change Phase, where our world may be turned upside down. This is where resources are needed the most. Kernel developers for instance.

Next up is feature development, where a hardware adaptation team is not really doing much if it's already feature complete.

Then there's stabilization, fix bugs... and so on.

What I'm saying is, people are both overestimating and sometimes underestimating what it takes to maintain a hardware adaptation in MeeGo.

Rest of MeeGo will get developed for sure, I mean, it is supposed to be the basis of a large bunch of devices, including Nokia's. A hardware adaptation is what, less than 3% of the code in any given MeeGo N900 image? Rest of this comes directly from the MeeGo project. Core, Handset, and so on. Taking binaries directly.

We're trying hard in MeeGo for N900 to open up for others to help contribute, though we have difficulties at times, but try to lessen them. We're trying to do the hard initial work and work out what it takes to maintain things - including open sourcing key pieces.

It'd be stupid if we spent ages on making a proper hardware adaptation and then just let it to rot after MeeGo 1.1. A lot of QA time spent, developer time. Consider our work momentum to keep the ball rolling in the future - and to keep having momentum by maintaining this work.

Now, will you go test the development images (yes, we uploaded a MeeGo image), report the bugs in the images, submit merge requests to our scripts and code in the hardware adaptation or contribute to MeeGo in general or even discuss the work and direction? By having as many contributors now as possible, the faster we get the work done, including these early contributors becoming experts in 'MeeGo on N900', making them capable of maintaining things in the future.

Many of you succeeded in building own MeeGo N900 images using .ks'es. Congratulations - that's first step any team members who has been doing MeeGo on N900 have had to do. Now, what's your next move?
Acting maintainer of the MeeGo Nokia N900 hardware adaptation

Then you will realise a few things.

volt 2010-08-07 03:07

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 778474)
Then you will realise a few things.

A long time ago, what I realized was that until the food is on the table, I should not take it for granted that I will be fed a good meal. Someone preparing ingredients doesn't mean that someone HAS to feed me. And it surely doesn't mean that the ingredients will complete each other.

I am so talking about Mer now.

abill_uk 2010-08-07 03:39

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by volt (Post 778478)
A long time ago, what I realized was that until the food is on the table, I should not take it for granted that I will be fed a good meal. Someone preparing ingredients doesn't mean that someone HAS to feed me. And it surely doesn't mean that the ingredients will complete each other.

I am so talking about Mer now.

Then you should join in the development team and at least support them.

If you want something then you got to take it sometimes.

abill_uk 2010-08-07 03:57

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Every single N900 owner wants to know what is happening and if you read the thread of that post they will find out.

OK Nokia are slow slow stop go backwards sometimes but no way are they a dieing comapny, they are making progress to the next step in the evolution race and the N900 helped them massivly to do that.

This Niklas maybe new in the tooth and i think he was stupid to put himself on the line like that on a stupid site like Twitter but he had his reasons i guess and should have been more prepared for the questions thrown at him.

Dont take a fool to realise there is bound to be kickbacks after releasing a product that they faild to progress on so i personally think he was a complete waste of time in that area.

We wait and see but in the meantime..... we at least got development going on in the area it is moving with or without Nokia's help ... Meego, and thats what is important.

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