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MohammadAG 2010-10-06 18:08

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
I'm up for patching in Matan's changes so you don't have to install another package, as for portrait mode, I'm not sure I know enough C to do that, I'll see about it, maybe we can organise a group of devs and make a project for it :)

WhiteWolf 2010-10-06 18:49

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
Can we handle the tasks with keys open?
Modified style-hildon-desktop Matan

planetf1 2010-10-06 21:51

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
thanks for building. working well so far

Psycho 2010-10-06 22:20

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
Thnx ! finally fast scrolling again.. -_-

CepiPerez 2010-10-06 22:25

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
I've tried to add "enter password" feature into hildon-desktop and hildon-home so we can lock applications.
I tried hildon_password_dialog but I don't have skills to do this in gtk.
If someone gives me an "enter password" example I'll implement this, and I'll add the dialog for lock apps in settings menu.

elie-7 2010-10-07 12:51

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 834934)
I'm up for patching in Matan's changes so you don't have to install another package, as for portrait mode, I'm not sure I know enough C to do that, I'll see about it, maybe we can organise a group of devs and make a project for it :)

thats awesome, and btw having a portrait hildon, that means we can have a portrait mode ui, the only thing we need...

Psycho 2010-10-08 07:49

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
and how can i delete it ??

slender 2010-10-08 07:58

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
Delete what?

elie-7 2010-10-08 18:11

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
he means the mohamad's hildon-desktop, well apt-get upgrade should work, it didn't work for me.

atilla 2010-10-08 21:44

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
or install a new theme.
that should work too.
there are xterm commands too but i don't know them ;)

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