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kulas 2010-10-21 10:15

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
is this apps already stable?

s.khiwani 2010-10-21 10:29

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
1 Attachment(s)
Hey Guys,

I have over clocked my device with 900 Mhz image.. and also installed Swappolube and done the settings, shown in attached file.

But I m not able to understand how can i see the change in speed.

If these are not the correct setting for 900Mhz image please suggest the new settings else tell me where I can see the change in speed.



pfontana77 2010-10-21 10:29

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui

Originally Posted by ajk1983 (Post 846868)

I downloaded the current (as of 20 October 2010) version of Swappolube with GUI. After using it for a while, I noticed that my N900 would not go to "complete idle" anymore: Batterygraph showed retrospectively CPU activity of around perhaps 10-15%, even when the device had been in offline mode and with the display turned off. Before installing swappolube Batterygraph showed only neglible CPU activity when the device was in the same state, such as during night time.

To counter this I chose "Delete Tunings" from Swappolube and rebooted. After that Swappolube showed correctly the out-of-the-box settings for all the modifiable variables as the "Current" set up.

However, the problem still persisted and the "idle" state constantly produced CPU use of around 10-15%. I then uninstalled Swappolube, but this had no effect.

Could someone elaborate/speculate what might cause this increase in CPU activity? I cannot use for example Conky to determine this, since that requires both Conky and the N900 GUI to be active.

In addition - and more importantly at this stage - could you please provide guidance on which files to manually remove/edit to undo all the modifications Swappolube has introduced to the system?

Please feel free to ask if you need any further information.

Thank you.

I'm facing the same problem, resetting the value to default or uninstalling the application don't solve the problem. /etc/event.d/tuning are not present after uninstalling. Any ideas?

debernardis 2010-10-21 11:24

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui

Originally Posted by pfontana77 (Post 846905)
I'm facing the same problem, resetting the value to default or uninstalling the application don't solve the problem. /etc/event.d/tuning are not present after uninstalling. Any ideas?

Did you reboot after uninstalling? Swappolube with gui doesn't reset parameters until rebooted. Swappolube-nogui resets parameters when uninstalled, even without rebooting.

debernardis 2010-10-21 13:49

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Might be the infamous hildon-desktop bug:

ajk1983 2010-10-22 04:01

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 847105)
Might be the infamous hildon-desktop bug:

Yes, that seems to be at least a part of it. Thanks for pointing a not-so-frequent visitor to the right direction.

EDIT: found the cause to be flashlight-extras which I installed at the same time as swappolube. Sorry for barking up the wrong tree.

pfontana77 2010-10-26 11:18

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
For me the problem was solved by PR1.3 update. I will installa again swappolube to see if the problem occur again.

mikaelh 2010-10-26 12:36

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Ernesto, sorry if this has been discussd elsewhere, but:

Any "official" statement of the need for and validity of swappolube after the PR1.3 update?

Looking at my battery drain seems like the need still exists, but I would like to hear from the guys who know what they are doing.


debernardis 2010-10-26 13:15

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
I am presently running pr1.3 with swappolube - so far so good. Haven't tested without, so I don't know the difference in terms of battery consumption, if any.

mikaelh 2010-10-26 13:44

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Thanks Ernesto. So you have not checked whether Nokia made any changes to the relevant parameters? They did advertise "performance improvements", after all.

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