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ME2g 2010-09-22 18:04

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!

Originally Posted by maemo5 (Post 823576)
voted 8 times (8 PCs) from jerusalem :-)

aah...getting world wide...
Anyone from southern Americas?

Palm Pre vs Nokia N900: 6,624 Total Votes (and counting ;-) )

iPhone 4 vs HTC EVO 4G (Poll Closed): 6,204 Total Votes
HTC EVO 4G vs Samsung Galaxy S (Poll Closed): 2,717 Total Votes
HTC Desire vs SE Xperia X10 (Poll Closed): 1,952 Total Votes
Nokia N900 vs HTC HD2 (Poll Closed) : 816 Total Votes
Motorola Droid vs SE Xperia X10 (Poll Closed): 736 Total Votes
Droid Incredible vs Palm Pre (Poll Closed): 715 Total Votes
Nexus vs iPhone 3GS (Poll Closed): 661 Total Votes
Droid X vs Samsung Galaxy S (Poll Closed): 410 Total Votes
BlackBerry Storm 2 vs MyTouch 3G Slide (Closed): 368 Total

Nokia N900 vs BlackBerry Storm 2 (Poll Closed): No total.

Some polls I did not find there (e.g. Blackberry Bold vs. Motorola Droid).

Shinigamijim 2010-09-22 18:18

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
another vote for n900

Spotfist 2010-09-22 18:28

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
erm... we're winning?!?!?!?! WOOT!!!

Andrew_b 2010-09-22 18:42

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Poll closed - we WON!

bzbnd 2010-09-22 18:43

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
NOKIA N900 won the competition

BigBadGuber! 2010-09-22 18:47

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
no way.....way to GOOOOOOO

BigBadGuber! 2010-09-22 18:48

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
apparently the first time that palm lost!

bingbings 2010-09-22 18:51

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Ladies and gentlemen! The palm Pre has just left the building!:D

elie-7 2010-09-22 18:52

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
yeah baby yeah. that will show them that we are the best, next stop the finals lets make sure we win there .

ikirk 2010-09-22 18:53

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Voting is closed!! N900 won the semi-final!! Well done everyone!!

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