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D.Cent 2012-02-27 21:22

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by codix (Post 1170923)
try Developer Mode Terminal

devel-su Password: rootme
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

No, don't do that - it will corrupt your system (as you can see for yourself!).

codix 2012-02-27 21:29

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by D.Cent (Post 1170924)
No, don't do that - it will corrupt your system (as you can see for yourself!).

Why? Everything works fine.

+ It's the only way you can update the device under certain circumstances.

Dragoss91 2012-02-27 21:31

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by jleholeho (Post 1170851)
I don`t believe it...
my N9 rebooted after unsuccesful downgrade via NaviFirm and the app menu suddenly got back...I can sroll down again and work with my folders...
but the KEYBOARD is still not there...
No active input method to choose, installed input methods (0)...???

You better start a thread here because people are too excited with the new update so they don't pay attention . :D

romu 2012-02-27 21:35

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Hi everybody,
Just a little question, I updated my N9 to PR1.2 with WinFlasher, about one hour ago, and the N9 hasn't still rebooted, it is currently with a black screen and a flashing white led.

Do I have to worry?

Thanks for the help.

codix 2012-02-27 21:44

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by romu (Post 1170930)
Hi everybody,
Just a little question, I updated my N9 to PR1.2 with WinFlasher, about one hour ago, and the N9 hasn't still rebooted, it is currently with a black screen and a flashing white led.

Do I have to worry?

Thanks for the help.

another question: where did you get the firmware for flashing?

jleholeho 2012-02-27 21:44

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
There`s PR1.2 on NaviFirm??
I have NF1.6 and I can`t see that...

Zelig 2012-02-27 21:49

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
OTA update for Austrian product code
OTA update NOT for Slovenian product code
OTA update for Croatian product code

guess product code of mine!... #&'%$#(')#...

romu 2012-02-27 21:53

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by jleholeho (Post 1170935)
There`s PR1.2 on NaviFirm??
I have NF1.6 and I can`t see that...

Yep, you're right. I was stupid enough to reflash the PR1.1 :mad:

But my question remains.

Swerige 2012-02-27 21:54

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by darrenup (Post 1170907)
I can't install the update, I'm receiving the message:

Update Failed
Updated Interrepted
try again

When I clic on try again the process take about 5 min then the same message. somebody knows why?

Forgive my english :p

Have U tried royster70 tips


Originally Posted by royster70 (Post 1170685)
I was getting a similar error getting stuck 0% and then failing with the OTA update.

In addition to disabling the repositories after seeing the comment earlier in the thread (I had a app for that :) - MeeCatalog), I also disabled developer mode in security - and that seemed to work for me and the update worked.

I disabled repositories using MeegCatalog and switched off dev. mode in one go - so I cannot be sure if this is was the change needed to get the update to continue.

I got the same error, but that actually seems to work for me (installing @ 29%)

Edit: Succsess!!

terrylee 2012-02-27 22:02

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Hi all, I think/hope I may have figured out a way to force update to PR1.2.

I need help testing my theory. I need the following
1. A product code which successfully updated to PR 1.2.
2. For the N9 in (1), in Terminal, give me the contents of the following command
> ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d
(You will see a file that looks like aegis.ssu-keyring-XXX.list. Take note of this file name)
> cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/aegis.ssu-keyring-XXX.list
(Change XXX appropriately. Please send me the contents of this cat command)

Once I get these, will keep you guys posted whether I am successful

My current is PR1.1 Singapore 005 variant

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