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dirkvl 2015-01-02 18:48

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.13

Originally Posted by cartron (Post 1454208)
No, you just need to download the .pbw file and upload it to the Jolla phone.
Then configure using Pebbled, by clicking on the name of the Pebble (like Pebble XXXX).

ehhh how?? running version 0.13-1, no upload option anywhere

javispedro 2015-01-03 14:36

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.13

Originally Posted by MaemoUser (Post 1454855)
I wonder if it is possible to have companion apps on the Jolla. I would like to have an integration of TaskList on my pebble. But I don't know what exactly is necessary to achieve that.

Or what API such an APP (eg TaskList) has to provide to make it possible.

In my branch you can already send messages to programs running on the Pebble using the D-Bus API ( on /org/pebbled/Watch , call SendAppMessage ). This should be a good start point for some "companion" combo Pebble + Jolla app. You cannot currently receive messages from the watch, but it would be trivial to add a signal or (my preference) some way to register your external program as "interested" in Pebble messages.

Note that the API is still in flux until we get to merge it.

... Something that I was thinking is that it might be possible to add a generic "Pebble.sendDBusMessage" function in the JS side...

MaemoUser 2015-01-03 17:19

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.13

You cannot currently receive messages from the watch, but it would be trivial to add a signal or (my preference) some way to register your external program as "interested" in Pebble messages.
This sounds like a good idea. I want to be able to mark for example tasks as done in a Notes app. And get the current tasks to my watch.

smoku 2015-01-03 19:25

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.13
I merged Javier's contribution to master branch and built a new pre-release.
I added support for apps that were already installed on watch, but you do not have them unpacked to /home/nemo/.local/share/pebble/apps. They show their name, so you know which slot to uninstall (only available action for non-local apps).

Get it from GitHub:

MemphisX 2015-01-03 22:19

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.13

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 1455024)
I merged Javier's contribution to master branch and built a new pre-release.
I added support for apps that were already installed on watch, but you do not have them unpacked to /home/nemo/.local/share/pebble/apps. They show their name, so you know which slot to uninstall (only available action for non-local apps).

Get it from GitHub:

Smoku I get a 404 when I visit your link. Have you removed the file because of problems with that release?

smoku 2015-01-04 00:48

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.13

Originally Posted by MemphisX (Post 1455070)
Smoku I get a 404 when I visit your link. Have you removed the file because of problems with that release?

Oh. It was tagged by GitHub as a draft.
Check - it should work now.

j4mppa 2015-01-04 17:31

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.13
Really nice effort on this guys. Thanks a lot!

I just installed newest js version and its working really good. However I have couple stupid questions:
how to unzip these .pbw files? Can it be done with jolla somehow?
I only have stupid mac to work with so any suggestions for apps which detect pbw files if it needs to be done with mac?

And also I was able to find .pbw for only couple apps(tweble, xmbc player) any good place to find these?

Waitee 2015-01-04 18:19

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.13

Originally Posted by j4mppa (Post 1455218)
I just installed newest js version and its working really good. However I have couple stupid questions:
how to unzip these .pbw files? Can it be done with jolla somehow?
I only have stupid mac to work with so any suggestions for apps which detect pbw files if it needs to be done with mac?

.pbw files are just ordinary zip files which you can unpack on jolla in the fingerterm using the unzip command (requires that you know how to use unix terminal).
You should be able to unpack them on your mac as well using any ordinary zip program. (don't have a mac, cant guarantee)

j4mppa 2015-01-05 09:45

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.13

Originally Posted by Waitee (Post 1455223)
.pbw files are just ordinary zip files which you can unpack on jolla in the fingerterm using the unzip command (requires that you know how to use unix terminal).
You should be able to unpack them on your mac as well using any ordinary zip program. (don't have a mac, cant guarantee)

I managed to unzip those .pbw files with terminal and now everything is working pretty much flawlessly. For some reason I could not get Weather app working properly, GPS indicator is blinking but no location information getting through.
I installed another watch face (YWeather) which includes weather information and that works perfectly, even GPS location.

smoku 2015-01-05 10:18

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.13

Originally Posted by j4mppa (Post 1455323)
For some reason I could not get Weather app working properly, GPS indicator is blinking but no location information getting through.

It would be helpful if you would link to / attach the problematic .apk file, so we can try debugging it.

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