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eson 2015-11-29 07:06

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
I think I have found a bug, but I'm not totaly convinced that it belongs to Situation. Anyway, here's the scenario...

I have configured Situations to fail over to a quiet theme (ambience), between the hours of 23:00 and 06:00 which works well for itself.
I also have a Sailfish calendar alert that urges me to take my medicine at 07:00 each day.

The problem occurs if I don't touch the phone between the hours of 06:00 and 07:00, meaning I need to unlock the phone between theme switching (06:00) and calendar alert (07:00), if I want everything to work normally. If I don't do that, the phone somehowe revert back to the quiet theme background (theme colors stay normal), as soon as the calendar alert sets of.
Also the entire events view gets unavailable, and if I try to access it, I can only see a grayed out empty screen and I have to reboot my device to get out of that state.

Please, let me know if I can do something to help you track down this bug.

pichlo 2015-11-29 08:14

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by eson (Post 1490091)
I also have a Sailfish calendar alert that urges me to take my medicine at 07:00 each day.

Sorry, I have no idea how to deal with your problem but... why use Calendar for the above? Is that not a job for Clock?

eson 2015-11-29 08:28

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1490094)
Is that not a job for Clock?

I've never given it much thought. Clock should probably work fine, but it's a life long medication and I have always used a calendar reminder to keep track.

...and the bug would still be unsolved if I changed to clock alarm. ;)

hhaveri 2015-11-30 07:18

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by eson (Post 1490091)
Please, let me know if I can do something to help you track down this bug.

It does sound more like a Sailfish problem, but I'll see if something can be done about it on Situations side.


zagrim 2015-11-30 11:36

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by eson (Post 1490091)
The problem occurs if I don't touch the phone between the hours of 06:00 and 07:00, meaning I need to unlock the phone between theme switching (06:00) and calendar alert (07:00), if I want everything to work normally. If I don't do that, the phone somehowe revert back to the quiet theme background (theme colors stay normal), as soon as the calendar alert sets of.

I wonder if this could be related to the somewhat known issue where the situation doesn't change unless the phone is (relatively) active when the conditions change. Active here means being used, or having been used just recently, ie. not in deep sleep. In my case I can usually see right after when I unlock the phone that the situation has not been changed at all before the situation gets changed. Sometimes it takes pausing and resuming the app. Now that I have had the GUI app not running at all, I haven't had the need to pause/resume or kill Situations, but I still do need to wake up the phone if it has been idle for a longer time. Maybe you @eson could also check the settings/current situation right after unlocking/waking up the phone?


Also the entire events view gets unavailable, and if I try to access it, I can only see a grayed out empty screen and I have to reboot my device to get out of that state.
This would sound to me like a SFOS bug, but I haven't run into anything like this myself. BTW, what version of SFOS are you running?

eson 2015-11-30 16:47

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by zagrim (Post 1490207)
I wonder if this could be related to the somewhat known issue...

Don't think so, because the situation does change, perfectly as it should. I can also hear when it changes at 06:00 because of the e-mails coming in (WiFi/Mobile network off, during night). Current situation is (none) after 06:00, also as it should.
The issue appears only if I do not unlock the phone before 07:00, when the calendar alarm goes of.
Phone is running SFOS, with no Alien Dalvik.

NobodyInPerson 2016-01-14 16:21

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1486892)
Can you show your ".ambience" file?

Sorry, I can't seem to find my custom ambiences in /usr/share/ambience. Only the stock ones are there.


[nemo@Jolla ~]$ ls /usr/share/ambience/
affection            fresh    intense  party    silent  vigorous
ambience-snow-white  harmony  origami  sailing  urban  work
[nemo@Jolla ~]$

I have the same problem with the custom ambiences not showing up in the Situations App.

NobodyInPerson 2016-01-15 21:52

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
I'm actually having a really hard time finding out where the damn location of these custom ambience files is (SfOS Saimaa)! I searched the whole filesystem for everything I could imagine with the 'find' command:
- display name of the ambience
- filename of the used image
- 'ambience' itself
- ...
Not a single useful result, I'm a little frustrated... Since after a reboot, the custom ambience stays activated, it has to be somewhere on the system.
The Situations app is super, but I guess if the custom ambience doesn't show up in /usr/share/ambience/, Situations can't find it...

Any ideas?

eson 2016-01-16 03:44

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by NobodyInPerson (Post 1495136)
Any ideas?

I had the same problem and my workaround was to skip the custom made ambience, create my own "stock" ambience and place it among the others, in /usr/share/ambience/.
After reboot it shows in Situations app and it stay in the system "for ever".

NobodyInPerson 2016-01-16 10:25

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
Thanks @eson, I will try that. Still strange that the custom ambiences are unfindable... :confused:

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