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mosen 2016-04-25 18:52

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1504400)
It had never even occurred to me that there might be a question.

Thats why i am always reluctant to point out such things.
LL took it like a true sportsman and i agree, it does not matter much and i confess to be a pronounciation nazi :p
Must have to do with my job, i am trained to see appreciation of heritage when trying to pronounce words like natives or originators would do or did.

To swipe off off-topic accusations, i would like to add that i am using a 5 port 40w Anker charger and have had no problems during the last and first 7 hours. Tablet came charged at 85%. Gained full load while using and charging within ~2hours.

Bundyo 2016-04-25 19:55

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1504388)
FWIW, I have similar issues with the Jolla phone and a cheap Samsung charger. When the battery gets about 99% full, the swipe gestures become hit and miss. The cure is to unplug the charger. Never had any problems with that charger and any other device except Jolla although I have read somewhere that tiny ripples in the charging voltage can cause similar problems. I guess the battery filters the ripples but it filters it less and less as it gets full.

Had the same problems with Z10 and the BB tablet - seems it is too easy to mess touchscreens while charging :)

Schturman 2016-05-01 13:55

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1503156)
If you like to see online TV, TV shows, Movies, you can use Kodi app for this...
Small instruction how to install Kodi app on your Jolla tablet.
1. Download this package from naytsyrhc's link (thanks), yes, it should be NOT x86 package:
2. Install it with any file manager. I used FileTug app.
3. Start it -> setup it -> and use it :)
4. If you have Google play or any other android stores, remember to disable auto-update on Kodi app.

I already tried to upgrade to many different versions of 15, 16 and 17 (both x86 and armeabi-v7a).. But no one is worked. It's always crashed after start and they don't put icon on your desktop...
Hope one day, someone will create native Kodi app for SailfishOS...

Original post here:

Guy's, someone tried to install latest Kodi version 16.1 on ?

P.S. Ok, tested... It's not working.

Boxeri 2016-06-04 05:12

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Is there nothing that can be done to the VERY annoying issue with Jolla browser that crashes it when you click the tabs number in lower left corner?

Im getting really fed up with it!

otsaloma 2016-06-19 00:24

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Used the tablet for about five days now. Didn't care to read 23 pages, sorry if I repeat something. In summary it's a great purchase, very useful for development, battery life could be a deal-breaker in regular use.

The screen is very good. It's very bright though -- compared to the Jolla phone it looks a lot different, e.g. the semi-transparent black I use in Poor Maps looks completely different on the tablet.

It took me while to figure out why, but ambience backgrounds look awful on the tablet, there's awful gradient banding to be seen. Looking at ~/.cache/ambienced/com/jolla/components/bgimages, SFOS seems to generate 341x341 pixel (!) images for app backgrounds. If that's scaled to 2048x2048, it's no wonder there's a lot of gradient banding. I worked around this by running `dconf write /desktop/jolla/background/portrait/app_picture_filename "'/home/nemo/Pictures/...'"` (see together #11949 for the dconf commands) with a 2048x2048 image. Is this a known bug or should I report it? The problem probably applies to phones as well, but isn't noticeable on such small screens.

Battery life is awfully bad. I don't have experience with other tablets, but I'd expect better.

In development use I can see a lot of icon size, font size, padding and spacing issues in my apps that need fixing. Regarding layouts I don't expect to do much except perhaps switch from list views to grid views like Jolla's settings app, which uses one column on the phone and two columns on the tablet. The bigger keyboard helps when developing something with user input or when needing occasional terminal use. Some of the theming, e.g. Theme.horizontalPageMargin, depend on the screen size, so you can't catch these all testing just with a higher ppi phone. Unfortunately as far as I can tell Jolla hasn't provided any "what's new for developers" type documentation for 2.0, so you just need to look through the Theme constants and try stuff to get things right.

cvp 2016-06-19 09:16

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
I am glad that you have received the tablet. I had to pay no confidence by bank transfer.
The battery power is in my opinion miserable. are the huge differences to compared to the iPad.

Nevertheless, the Jolla Tablet is a good tablet. With a few minus points, but it just has SFOS what makes everything good again :)

Boxeri 2016-08-18 08:03

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
I recently reinstalled Android compatability. Seems that it also wiped all my android side downloads and deleted files. Anyone know if it immediately deletes them or could there be a way to get them back? Nothing crucial data was lost, but wouldn't want to search the web again for them if they are still hidden in the device somewhere.

coderus 2016-08-18 08:40

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
check /home/nemo/android_storage. this folder for android internal storage.

Boxeri 2016-08-18 10:25

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1512851)
check /home/nemo/android_storage. this folder for android internal storage.

Thank you for answer. That was the first place I also checked and also looked at home/.android... , but both those locations have been completely overwritten. Seems that when you remove android comp. it really removes everything withing those folders.

Unfortunate because I had several big files there that I had d/l as torrents from android side.

explit 2016-09-12 11:37

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Hello guys!

Has anybode success in installing / compiling FBReader i486 version ?

I get this Error:


[root@Sailfish i486]# pkcon install-local fbreader-0.99.5+37.g7e187f7-1.1.4.i486.rpm
Fatal error: nothing provides needed by fbreader-0.99.5+37.g7e187f7-1.1.4.i486

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