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qole 2008-08-24 04:00

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I don't want the one that says /sys I want the one that just has /

Maybe post the entire output of df -h

dan 2008-08-24 04:21

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
That's it. Nothing else came on screen after I typed ' df -h '.

dan 2008-08-24 16:04

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
At my xterm prompt I get more info then my Debian prompt.. Don't know why? Idea is there a file with Debian that I can go in and increase the size of Debian file? TIA

/home/user # df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mmcblk0p2 4.0M 2.2M 1.8M 54% /mnt/initfs
none 2.0M 104.0k 1.9M 5% /mnt/initfs/tmp
/dev/mmcblk0p2 20.3G 1.4G 17.9G 7% /
none 2.0M 104.0k 1.9M 5% /tmp
none 1.0M 68.0k 956.0k 7% /dev
tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p1 8.8G 32.0k 8.8G 0% /media/mmc2
/dev/mmcblk1p1 15.3G 12.2G 3.1G 80% /media/mmc1
/dev/loop0 1007.9M 998.3M 0 100% /debian
none 1.0M 68.0k 956.0k 7% /debian/dev
none 2.0M 104.0k 1.9M 5% /debian/tmp
/dev/mmcblk1p1 15.3G 12.2G 3.1G 80% /debian/media/mmc1
/dev/mmcblk0p1 8.8G 32.0k 8.8G 0% /debian/media/mmc2
/dev/mmcblk0p2 20.3G 1.4G 17.9G 7% /debian/media/usb
/dev/mmcblk0p2 20.3G 1.4G 17.9G 7% /debian/home/user
none 2.0M 104.0k 1.9M 5% /debian/var/run/dbus
/home/user #

fatalsaint 2008-08-24 18:09

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
what the hell?

/dev/loop0 1007.9M 998.3M 0 100% /debian

something is very wrong with your chroot setup...that is the debian root...

are you using the image file?? thats what that looks like to me..and the root drive is indeed full.

Modify your /home/user/.chroot if you want to use a partition or clean out some space inside your image....somewhere around here some explained how to resize the image file as well with resize2fs.

dan 2008-08-24 20:10

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Fatalsaint, in both xterm and chroot says, ' no file or directory ' when I type ' /home/user/.chroot ' . I always get the message at startup of chroot,
' Setting up the chroot...
using device: /media/mmc1/debian.img.ext2
insmod: cannot insert '/mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/mbcache.ko': File exists (-1): File exists
Using ext2 file system
insmod: cannot insert '/mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/ext2.ko': File exists (-1): File exists
Everything set up, running chroot...
[root@Debian: / '
then after I put in xterm the following command , ' mount -o bind /var/run/dbus/ /debian/var/run/dbus/ ' when I go restart chroot no error just the chroot prompt. Don't understand any of this but Debian and chroot always work well. It's adding apps to Debian that's impossible. TIA

qole 2008-08-24 21:13

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
The .chroot file is in your home directory, and if, perchance, you were to nuke your home directory, the .chroot file would be lost, along with any custom settings for your Debian chroot...

fatalsaint 2008-08-24 22:12

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Ohhh.. YEAH.. I suppose he WOULD be having issues if you, by chance, nuked your home directory.. lol.

here dan:

Put that into /home/user/.chroot and modify the IMGFILE to be your partition obviously.

BrentDC 2008-08-24 22:18

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by dan (Post 217057)
Fatalsaint, in both xterm and chroot says, ' no file or directory ' when I type ' /home/user/.chroot ' . I always get the message at startup of chroot,
' Setting up the chroot...
using device: /media/mmc1/debian.img.ext2
insmod: cannot insert '/mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/mbcache.ko': File exists (-1): File exists
Using ext2 file system
insmod: cannot insert '/mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/ext2.ko': File exists (-1): File exists
Everything set up, running chroot...
[root@Debian: / '
then after I put in xterm the following command , ' mount -o bind /var/run/dbus/ /debian/var/run/dbus/ ' when I go restart chroot no error just the chroot prompt. Don't understand any of this but Debian and chroot always work well.

The errors are normal. You only get the errors the first time you run the chroot after a reboot, so that is why the second and any subsequent times you run it you don't get errors.

dan 2008-08-25 00:05

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
fatalsaint, thanks

A little confused about where to put the following. I don't have a ' /home/user/.chroot ' file. Do I do the following in chroot or xterm? Also, why is ' TMPSIZE ' so small(5M)? Just trying to understand what is going on. It is amazing how my system still works with all the nuking I've done. :)


P.S. How can I add several gb's to the ' /.chroot ' file so I have plenty of space to add more apps.

dan 2008-08-25 00:10

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
BrentDC thanks.
How can I add the following command to GParted so I don't have to do it in xterm everytime I want to load GParted after a reboot? I'm tired of having to do that command everytime I want to use GParted after a reboot. I don't have to do that command for QTParted. TIA

' mount -o bind /var/run/dbus/ /debian/var/run/dbus/ '

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