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yukky 2009-01-09 16:26

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 255844)
please read this post

for example try to change kscrollstep from 20 to something less or better change kscrollfading from 0.9 to 0.95, try different values (you have to reopen browser window after changing values) seems to be dead.

Is there a way to manually edit it?

pronvit 2009-01-09 16:35

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by yukky (Post 255851) seems to be dead.

Is there a way to manually edit it?

sorry I turned on all maemo repos and didn't notice that gconf-editor is in non-default extras-devel

yukky 2009-01-09 17:00

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Thank you,


# gconftool-2 -t float --set /apps/osso/browser/webkit/kscrollfading 0.91
turned out right for me.

After playing with the settings a bit, the screen started to tear on kinetic scrolling, even when I reset the values back to their original number.

# gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/osso/browser/webkit
fixed the scrolling.

yukky 2009-01-09 17:05

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I'd be very glad if the following keyboard shortcuts implemented:
CTRL-W close window
CTRL-R reload
BACKSPACE back in history
PAGE_UP entire page up
PAGE_DOWN entire page down

I know there are more, but these are the ones I use the most. Thank you again, I just tried his today for the first time, and it is excellent!

tso 2009-01-09 17:17

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
never understood the use of backspace for going back in history.

one accidentally unfocused input box is all it takes...

jmjanzen 2009-01-09 17:29

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
alt-left makes the most sense to me for going back in history, and alt-right for going forward, of course.

slightly off-topic: i had a keyboard (IBM, i think) with "back" and "forward" buttons just above the left and right cursor keys. they just sent alt-left and alt-right signals--no special drivers necessary. it was convenient for 3d shooters before mouse-look became ubiquitous, because i could use those keys for side-stepping.

pronvit 2009-01-09 17:34

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
unfortunately I can't determine if input box is currently focused (need to find out how to do this and modify webkit for this) so no backspace for now. other shortcuts will work in next ver.

Khertan 2009-01-09 17:59

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
So no need to reboot, just restarting browserd daemon and close all web page open.

It s seems you use an old version of webkit as it doesn't support opendatabase html5 api.

and other question ... how to set the user agent ? it doesn t support about:config ... and see no conf file in common place ... nor with gconf.


pronvit 2009-01-09 18:08

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by Khertan (Post 255892)
So no need to reboot, just restarting browserd daemon and close all web page open.

It s seems you use an old version of webkit as it doesn't support opendatabase html5 api.

and other question ... how to set the user agent ? it doesn t support about:config ... and see no conf file in common place ... nor with gconf.


hmm.. browserd is restarted during installation, strange that you have to do this manually

I already wrote about disabled html5 above. hm.. I can add config parameter for user-agent if you need it (situation is simple - no settings for things I never use)

Thesandlord 2009-01-09 18:28

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I installed under Blue Pill mode, and had to restart the tablet. Maybe if you install with Red Pill this will automatically work...

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