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brog 2010-05-12 09:58

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
Could anyone make a step-by-step guiide on how to install Android on the N900? Would really, really like to try it out :)

bcjenkins 2010-05-12 10:06

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
I was looking at the status here and I didn't notice GPS in the list of components. Will it be supported as part of the cellular chip?

Thanks for doing this!


dj_steve 2010-05-12 12:12

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
gps will get supported but as yet e dont have phone support of wifi/bt so its not too high on the list :)

qwazix 2010-05-12 12:22

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
A little spin-off question, but as Android is running "on" a linux kernel (am I right?) can't it just run as an app in maemo? So that we could take advantage of all the android apps, but at the same time being able to switch to the loveable pc-ish style of maemo whenever we want.

dj_steve 2010-05-12 12:23

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
not exactly as android uses special kernel modules to run, and takes over the graphics etc systems which io doubt maemo would appreciate

twoboxen 2010-05-12 12:29

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by Termana (Post 654455)
kexec allows you to boot one kernel and then transfer to another (as well as another rootfs). So if you were looking for a dual boot situation with titans kernel for Maemo and a kernel for Android, you can run a script in Maemo (with titans kernel) to change over to the Android kernel and boot MMC.

So when you kexec a second kernel it shuts down the first session or is that still live? I imagine leaving all the Maemo processes running wouldn't be the best for performance.

Also, where is documentation or an example of how the script should look. We should probably start writing one to be able to boot DJ's rootfs when he's ready.

dj_steve 2010-05-12 12:33

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
cheers twoboxen

in-effect 2010-05-12 17:03

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
Given that Android has just overtaken iPhoneOS in market share (in the US at least), why doesn't Google code an n900 build? Given it's similarity to the Droid it shouldn't be much trouble (with respect to the great efforts made here) and would add another Android device to their list.

Saying that, I'm not as naive as I'm sounding - obviously the small issue of the n900 being a Nokia device has something to do with it. Just dreaming really...

nikul.padhya 2010-05-12 17:21

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
Hey dj_steve, Nice work dude.

Well I have N900 (US, T-Mobile) and if you need any testing to be done. I can do it for you on my device.

I am a software engg. new to Linux and would be happy to contribute in any way in this project.

Thanx for your work.

twoboxen 2010-05-12 17:39

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by nikul.padhya (Post 655465)
Hey dj_steve, Nice work dude.

Well I have N900 (US, T-Mobile) and if you need any testing to be done. I can do it for you on my device.

I am a software engg. new to Linux and would be happy to contribute in any way in this project.

Thanx for your work.

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