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marmota 2012-01-29 18:01

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 1157326)
I have never tried Qole's Easy Debian images. They could work though, why don't you try and report? :D

Alternatively I could make another updated debian image, and put it somewhere to download. Maybe later, now I can't help scratching the itch to upgrade the Note to latest "la4" firmware. :cool:
(I have been resisting for a fortnight but today the urge is too strong)

EDIT the upgrade was perfect, and resulted in a much smoother Note, and (the reason I did it) the possibility to sync my S-memo notes with Evernote.

Great for the update! Did you use mobile odin pro?
I am waiting a little bit because I still have to work out how to do it from a PC with linux.

Concerning debian:I needed latex working on the note by tonight. So I went for what I hoped to be the simplest, LinuxInstaller. It worked perfectly (so far). In half an hour a debian chroot was up and running (without graphical interface). And it seems it did not destroy anything major :-P

But for sure I would like to try with Qole images as they are more complete with desktop manager and the like. And more fun too.

I will report here on any development.

Thank you very much so far!

kyllerbuzcut 2012-01-29 22:10

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
To fix the USB problems ( I had that too) try "usb mass storage watcher" and just enable all the options. Works even on my ancient windows pc now. Interestingly, while I had these problems I discovered that kies works via wifi pretty well and you can move/copy/etc. to and from the note and pc from there. Also- if you have twonky or some other virtual server running then the dlna thingy works fine with that over wifi also.

To increase the speaker to a reasonable level get an app called "equalizer" ( yep with a z). Select a custom preset and keep the 60hz one where it is and increase everything else to about 12. That's where I find it nicest anyway but you may like to tinker to suit your own needs.

So anyway- has anyone used the n900 as a bluetooth keyboard on it yet? I haven't got round to trying yet myself. Maybe next weekend. Maybe it will just work or maybe it will take time and lots of hassle, but if anyone has already done it then please post. The aim would be to plug the note into a TV and play games or browse the web on it using the n900 from the sofa. (you must have all seen those mini bluetooth keyboards with touch pads etc. - why buy one of those if the n900 will do the job. Perhaps the screen could even be a touchpad?)

Cue 2012-01-30 00:31

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by kyllerbuzcut (Post 1157572)
To fix the USB problems ( I had that too) try "usb mass storage watcher" and just enable all the options. Works even on my ancient windows pc now. Interestingly, while I had these problems I discovered that kies works via wifi pretty well and you can move/copy/etc. to and from the note and pc from there. Also- if you have twonky or some other virtual server running then the dlna thingy works fine with that over wifi also.

To increase the speaker to a reasonable level get an app called "equalizer" ( yep with a z). Select a custom preset and keep the 60hz one where it is and increase everything else to about 12. That's where I find it nicest anyway but you may like to tinker to suit your own needs.

So anyway- has anyone used the n900 as a bluetooth keyboard on it yet? I haven't got round to trying yet myself. Maybe next weekend. Maybe it will just work or maybe it will take time and lots of hassle, but if anyone has already done it then please post. The aim would be to plug the note into a TV and play games or browse the web on it using the n900 from the sofa. (you must have all seen those mini bluetooth keyboards with touch pads etc. - why buy one of those if the n900 will do the job. Perhaps the screen could even be a touchpad?)

I've used the N900 as a bluetooth keyboard/mouse on ICS (Galaxy Nexus) using bluemaemo, worked really well. One annoying thing is that the homescreen does not support landscape so the screen kept flipping depending on what I was doing, which was slightly disorientating.

rcolistete 2012-01-30 01:34

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 1157622)
I've used the N900 as a bluetooth keyboard/mouse on ICS (Galaxy Nexus) using bluemaemo, worked really well.

Could you detail how have you done ? BlueMaemo on N900 and which software on Android ?

Cue 2012-01-30 01:44

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1157642)
Could you detail how have you done ? BlueMaemo on N900 and which software on Android ?

On Android you don't need to install anything (ICS, not sure about other versions). On the N900 install bluemaemo and from bluemaemo pair with your Note, that's it, it works as expected.

rcolistete 2012-01-30 23:06

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 1157644)
On Android you don't need to install anything (ICS, not sure about other versions). On the N900 install bluemaemo and from bluemaemo pair with your Note, that's it, it works as expected.

I have used my Nokia N810 as keyboard and mouse for my Asus Transformer TF-101 with Android 3.2.1. Just by using BlueMaemo, very simple and impressive !

Thanks for the tip.

fpp 2012-01-31 13:24

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Here's a tip for those having "culture shock" with Android, and missing their N900's xterm and other goodies...

Look up "Spartacus terminal IDE" on the Market and install it ASAP!

It's free, even open-source, and works with non-rooted devices.

The documentation effort that comes with it is really, really seldom
seen in this category and makes it quite user-friendly. A refreshing
change from the usual "if you want bash you must know what you're
doing, right ?" mentality...

It also provides a custom keyboard that changes everything, a real beauty,
especially as it's also available in other editors, and apps like
SL4A... Now I miss the N900's hardware keyboard a bit less :-)

A must-have for ex-maemo users for sure...

rcolistete 2012-01-31 13:27

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 1158387)
It also provides a custom keyboard that changes everything, a real beauty,
especially as it's also available in other editors, and apps like
SL4A... Now I miss the N900's hardware keyboard a bit less :-)

"Hacker's Keyboard" is also a must.

fpp 2012-01-31 14:29

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Yes it looks similar, if a bit more system-oriented -- ie less non-ascii characters, and more special keys (like F1-F10 etc.).

kyllerbuzcut 2012-01-31 16:57

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Gave the bluemaemo thing a quick go last night. managed to install and pair with the note but couldn't actually 'do' anything from there. I'm not using ICS so that could be a problem. Has anyone made it work on Gingerbread yet? Will give that keyboard thing a try too when I get a chance.

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