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santiago 2012-02-16 06:53

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1165576)
Yes. I'm not a bash expert, :D i added the lines without comments, :D i was in panic! :D ahahahah, i'll fix it soon :D

i can try with zenith for now, but first i remove $JAD and $SH variables, i made confusion! ahahhaah

** foe the lines, you say this or the other script? beccouse i changed sed lines here to use correct icon, names etc


Script is changed now, i fixed everything except it doesnt accept jar file names with spaces ( ex: ciao from the italy.jar )i'm tired, i go to sleep i see caracters everywhere..


removed sh line
removed jad line
changed the echo >> to $MIDLET_NAME.desktop as u wrote

down here is the zip file with gtk-update-icon-cache and excalibur script, they must be on /usr/bin/ with rwx permissions.

Ciao dall'Italia :D


just couse i cant sleep.. :D i decided to add more lines like..

"Select the kind of file"
somenting like

echo "write JAR for a .jar file or JAD for a .jad file"

for Jad file, it will wget the jar file asking for a connection first else it will abort.. when downloaded, it will ask if disconnect or not, if install it or not..

for a Jar file it will jump to the Jar line :D

maybe i had to use the functions.. becouse it's becoming too disorganized in and uncommented :D

Moderators: apologize me, i quoted my self for mistake! Sorry for the x post!

Joseph9560 2012-02-16 08:46

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1164798)
? why do u want to tick / untick them?
run the script for the midlet you want ;)

i go to sleep :) when i'll be ok, i'll add a string to remove the jar, jar, .desktop file of a game/app you want to remove

zzz ZZZZ zzz ZZZz goodnight you all

I don't always like command line. Don't tell me you launch you phone app from command line!

santiago 2012-02-16 09:49

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by Joseph9560 (Post 1165715)
I don't always like command line. Don't tell me you launch you phone app from command line!

sometimes yes i do it, why? then you'll wait the official Davip's UI for the phoneme, :) i just made this script to cut the time, i'm working at new one, it can be launched from the desktop icon ;) but, if you dont like the command line, it runs on xterminal session..

PS: one of the Maemo Amazing things is just.. The command line! imo by the way, i'll made the possible to finish it today, i started at 7.55 am, this new is coloured and more easy to use.. It ll run in a shell from a shortcut launcher

PS2: maybe the shell isn't graphically "beautiful" but it helps you to find every kind of error ;)

DavyP 2012-02-16 10:44

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
About the command line use:

I hope at some point to be able to integrate everything in the Qt4 application in the way I did for my Android port. Now this takes time, and I think for the time being the script for santiago is the best there is.


santiago 2012-02-16 12:08

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1165749)
About the command line use:

I hope at some point to be able to integrate everything in the Qt4 application in the way I did for my Android port. Now this takes time, and I think for the time being the script for santiago is the best there is.


Hey bro! :) do you know how to colorize a variable with echo -e? I'm trying by one hour, and i didnt find a way on Google

i made some variables like

$END # closes single color

i'd like to print the "ls *.jad" coloured, i'm in panic.. Do you know how to do it?



PS: what does the "Panic" message mean?

munozferna 2012-02-16 14:37

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1165749)
About the command line use:

I hope at some point to be able to integrate everything in the Qt4 application in the way I did for my Android port. Now this takes time, and I think for the time being the script for santiago is the best there is.


I thought about making a simple UI in QML and calling the scripts here for the N9, but I did not want to waste the effort if somebody else is doing it too :) by the way, does the .deb work on the N9? I did not try it because i thought the binary was different.

DavyP 2012-02-16 16:34

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by munozferna (Post 1165808)
I thought about making a simple UI in QML and calling the scripts here for the N9, but I did not want to waste the effort if somebody else is doing it too :) by the way, does the .deb work on the N9? I did not try it because i thought the binary was different.

I have not checked on the N9 emulator, but if it works you will
definitely have the grey bar.

In fact, the only difference is a simple method call and if I can
somehow at runtime find out if I am running either Maemo or MeeGo
I could produce one build for all.


DavyP 2012-02-16 23:36

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Hi all,

I uploaded a new deb to my website at:

The build now contains a simple Qt4-based frontend "Run MIDlet", which will allow you to select a jar file from the filesystem and run it. It does not create desktop shortcuts (yet).

For those still favoring the terminal, you can now run a midlet like his:

/opt/phoneme/bin/runmidlet midlet.jar

You could also pass along the jad descriptor if you have the jar file in the same directory:

/opt/phoneme/bin/runmidlet midlet.jad

This way, you no longer need to specify a bunch of parameters at the command line or create shell scripts or jadfiles. Also, if there is a way on Maemo to associate jar/jad files with the runmidlet application, you could run midlets from your file manager. Running from a browser might be possible, but only for jar files and if the browser downloads the jar file to the filesystem and starts runmidlet with a local filepath as parameter (i.e. no http url as parameter).


DavyP 2012-02-17 00:07

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
I uploaded another deb with a new minor feature. It detects whether
the app is running on Maemo or on MeeGo by looking at the contents
of /etc/issue. On the latter it will run the midlet in full screen to avoid the
grey bar. If this works reliably on the N900 and the N9/N950, I no
longer need to produce 2 different builds.


cutehunk04 2012-02-17 12:41

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by manojkumaru (Post 1161648)
Looking for an used N900?? Little late, I had a friend in Banglore who sold it for 7000INR, just before he left for US of A,a month ago. No worries, still there is another friend of mine from Gujarat willing to sell his N900. I am less fortunate to make it mine, but still I don't want it to go to any hands which don't know the awesomeness of this phone. If you're willing, I can connect you to him. PM me.

hi am willing to sell my N900. you can email me
for further information....

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