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bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:06

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376150)
Just press "Add new".
I don't have much time now. It's usable but buggy

I 've got to admit that it looks pretty cool ;)

Can you upload the source code of the qtedger?

elros34 2013-09-22 22:13

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I didn't plan it because code it's little "ugly" but if you really want, send me message on pm ( I will send you source later)

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:17

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376155)
I didn't plan it because code it's little "ugly" but if you really want, send me message on pm ( I will send you source later)

I want to edit the profile of each app and I think that it can only be done with the source code... Right?
This is why I want it :)

elros34 2013-09-22 22:21

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
No, there isn't any database of all apps. You have global settings and profiles. In profiles you can add new application by "Add new" button then write name of window. To find window's name:
killall qtedger
and do some swipes then you will see window name.

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:28

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376159)
No, there isn't any database of all apps. You have global settings and profiles. In profiles you can add new application by "Add new" button then write name of window. To find window's name:
killall qtedger
and do some swipes then you will see window name.

Sorry I didn't notice that :p
I will try it now! :D

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:35

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
I 've got a problem... The swipe doesn't work with the command /opt/qtedger/qtedger
, I mean it runs the program but it stays showing something about the velocity.

elros34 2013-09-22 22:38

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
When you run it just do swipe

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:40

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376164)
When you run it just do swipe

I did, but it doesn't do anything...

elros34 2013-09-22 22:48

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
You should see in terminal a lot of output

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 22:53

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Here it's what I get! I even swipe, but it doesn't show anything, and it doesn't do the swipe!

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