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rcolistete 2014-12-29 17:05

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1454285)
What we complain about, is the "Discount code" thing.
They act like "Hey you are getting a discount because YOU are special!!" and the very next day "We lowered the price to everyone, screw you discount codes!"

So there is no thing as discount codes :)

I disagree again. The discount codes from October to December 2014 were indeed useful to people who wanted to buy Jolla smartphone before Christmas at EUR(349-100=249). Delay buying a smartphone 1-2 months means a lot in Christmas time. Jolla announced the new price (EUR249) in December 27th, just after Christimas :

Dave999 2014-12-29 17:07

Re: Jolla discount codes
a 100 euro discount on jPll would be fair :D

n900user259 2014-12-29 18:59

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1454286)
I disagree again. The discount codes from October to December 2014 were indeed useful to people who wanted to buy Jolla smartphone before Christmas at EUR(349-100=249). Delay buying a smartphone 1-2 months means a lot in Christmas time. Jolla announced the new price (EUR249) in December 27th, just after Christimas :

Why go through the trouble of having multiple discount actions over a three month period just to lower the price right after that period?

I mean, they could've just lowered the price earlier.

pichlo 2014-12-30 05:52

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by n900user259 (Post 1454294)
Why go through the trouble of having multiple discount actions over a three month period just to lower the price right after that period?

I mean, they could've just lowered the price earlier.

My reading of that is as follows. Not a deliberate plot or arrogance (even though it looks like that to us poor customers), just a result of some unfortunate circumstances that, in all fairness, could have been foreseen but Jolla refused to accept the reality till the very last moment:
  1. Jolla is in financial trouble, phones do not sell as quickly as they had hoped. They launch in new territories (India, Russia) but that does not help.
  2. They dip their toes in the water by trying the discount code (the first wave), as a genuine temporary promotion. The intention is to continue selling at the old price afterwards.
  3. The promotion is a very mild success. They sell hundreds of extra units but not thousands as they had hoped.
  4. The promotion is extended with the second wave.
  5. The extention is a damp squib.
  6. They try again, during the show. That registers even less.
  7. They give up and drop the price permanently.

No second phone on the road map. The TOHKBD campaign and associated discount code is just a coincidence and is not part of the above scenario.

peterleinchen 2014-12-30 07:36

Re: Jolla discount codes
And how should one feel who has ordered the thing for the normal price within all these normal/slush/indiegogo/whatever discount actions? Just to see that it got lowered permanently now (what I expected to happen right after the tohkbd invalidation)?

My price ranges at end of 2014:
349 was at start okay (in my view for that HW even too high), but nowadays totally unacceptable
249 may be a bit too high
199 (indiegogo) seems okay to me
149 (slush mistake) a bargain (good one :))

pichlo 2014-12-30 08:54

Re: Jolla discount codes
Oh, do not get me wrong, I am not defending them. They mishandled it big time. All I am saying is, do not automatically assume a conspiracy where simple incompetence would suffice.

rcolistete 2014-12-30 13:17

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1454364)
And how should one feel who has ordered the thing for the normal price within all these normal/slush/indiegogo/whatever discount actions? Just to see that it got lowered permanently now (what I expected to happen right after the tohkbd invalidation)?

Seriously ? What about buying a notebook, a high-tech camera, etc, in normal price and see it at 60-70% just some days after and during one day ? It happens all the time with high-tech products ! It is normal to these products to become cheaper as time goes on. Or to disappear from the market.

My friend lost a Blackberry Z10 for R$999 on sale, to buy it for R$1.399 just two months later. It happens.

I've bought my Nexus 4 for R$1.699 in 2013, 6 months later it was available for R$800.

Nexus 5 was available for R$800 some few months ago, now it costs R$1.599 because it became very difficult to find it in Brazil.

I've lost a Dell promotion for a top-level notebook some years ago, R$2.800 instead of R$5.000. After some days, when I've decided to buy it was out of stock, and I had to buy an inferior notebook.

So it is totally normal to have high-tech products with oscillating prices. We try to guess the best moment to buy, with lower price, but it is just a bet. We can't guess it right every time.

dirkvl 2014-12-30 13:29

Re: Jolla discount codes
How it is

peterleinchen 2014-12-30 17:00

Re: Jolla discount codes
Yes, serious!

What you are talking about is normal price drop/rise due to market.
I am talking about false public relation actions to keep up a totally unacceptable high price done by one and the same company.

If something like this happens to me (and it did!) I just call/mail customer care and I always succeeded to get the lower price with a bit of negotiations (due to online-buy-send-back-guaranty and eligibility of getting the lower price).
And that is where Jolla badly failed in this special case!
If you like to know more details please PM me, as there is no need to discuss this publicly.FULL STOP

And if a company fails to understand me as customer, I as a customer feel to not support such company with my money (even I like the product) - that's the way I see it. No more, no less.

n900user259 2014-12-30 17:35

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1454410)
Seriously ? What about buying a notebook, a high-tech camera, etc, in normal price and see it at 60-70% just some days after and during one day ? It happens all the time with high-tech products ! It is normal to these products to become cheaper as time goes on. Or to disappear from the market.

So it is totally normal to have high-tech products with oscillating prices. We try to guess the best moment to buy, with lower price, but it is just a bet. We can't guess it right every time.

Dude, you're completely missing the point.

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