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qwerty12 2009-01-09 18:29

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
It would not make a difference in either pill mode.

P.S Red pill mode isn't recommended, and there's no point in mentioning it here as webkit-eal installs fine in Blue pill mode...

pronvit 2009-01-09 19:05

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 255906)
P.S Red pill mode isn't recommended, and there's no point in mentioning it here as webkit-eal installs fine in Blue pill mode...

now yes. but previous packages had to be installed in redpill mode so people still use it.

now redpillmode NOT required. (however I don't know why people are so afraid of it, as for me its normal to have full control over installed packages, on desktop linuxes there's no such modes of course)

luca 2009-01-09 19:41

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
No "open link in new window" option (via tap and hold)?

tso 2009-01-09 20:02

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 255919)
(however I don't know why people are so afraid of it, as for me its normal to have full control over installed packages, on desktop linuxes there's no such modes of course)

there are some packages that show up in the updates section in red pill that may break maemo...

Khertan 2009-01-09 20:23

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Ah ... it doesn't restart due to things running using it (and some home sadly made scripts).

For the user-agent, yep this is the more important things for me, as when i use my phone isp data access, their proxy block any unknow user agent (mean that is not a phone).

And for sqlite opendatabase api of html 5, i ve read it sorry ... i'll read previous post more carrefully

allnameswereout 2009-01-09 20:26

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
It works! I don't like the engine chooser. I click on it with my thumb and it selects MicroB while I just want to open the roll down to select webkit. Some kind of confirm button, or simply 2 buttons where one pushes either (and bigger, finger friendly) would be welcome. It also is not WebKit chooser because you can also pick Gecko as option. So the choices are for MicroB browser the Gecko rendering engine, or the WebKit rendering engine.

pronvit 2009-01-09 20:27

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by Khertan (Post 255948)
Ah ... it doesn't restart due to things running using it (and some home sadly made scripts).

I'll re-check, currently I don't understand why it doesn't restart


Originally Posted by Khertan (Post 255948)
For the user-agent, yep this is the more important things for me, as when i use my phone isp data access, their proxy block any unknow user agent (mean that is not a phone).



Originally Posted by Khertan (Post 255948)
And for sqlite opendatabase api of html 5, i ve read it sorry ... i'll read previous post more carrefully

but tell me where such features are used?

pronvit 2009-01-09 20:29

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 255949)
It works! I don't like the engine chooser. I click on it with my thumb and it selects MicroB while I just want to open the roll down to select webkit. Some kind of confirm button, or simply 2 buttons where one pushes either (and bigger, finger friendly) would be welcome. It also is not WebKit chooser because you can also pick Gecko as option. So the choices are for MicroB browser the Gecko rendering engine, or the WebKit rendering engine.

of course it will be improved, it's obvious. I just needed to provide at least some tool for the first time

luca 2009-01-09 20:31

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
A couple of things: it.caches and tries to autocomplete what you type in password fields (ouch!) and checkboxes are huge.

pronvit 2009-01-09 20:35

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by luca (Post 255955)
A couple of things: it.caches and tries to autocomplete what you type in password fields (ouch!) and checkboxes are huge.

ou.. not good at all.. need to fix

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