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DaveQB 2010-05-18 07:04

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
Yeah I want to have a look at this. I have the SDK installed at home, but haven't had a chance to get into Maemo devel yet :(

DaveQB 2010-05-19 09:18

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
1 Attachment(s)
Attached is what I am getting now.

Looks like the bar and percentage is accurate. I am not sure if I am just that flat and under 100% and some more charging will put me up to closer to 200% and bars useless again.

Normally I am 8 bars and then none and powered off in seconds once I run out of juice. This is better :)

cokeman 2010-05-20 05:13

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
i been reading threw the pages here, but i am getting no real answer of battery life, other than battery meter not working or bulky ph. please give me
battery life compare to original nokia battery please maybe even a poll would help

zimon 2010-05-31 18:38

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by <someone_in_private_msg
hi there! :)
are you happy with it? does the backcover affect the quality of the camera in any way?

Yes, I am happy, if not very happy with the Mugen's bigger battery.
The battery really is 2400 mAh, as advertised, no scam.
I've had the battery since February.

At first, they had a design flaw, that microSD-card and camera was not working normally because there was a small magnet and a white patch missing from the back cover. I fixed those myself, but later also got the new working back cover from Mugen.
I still use the old cover though, because it has extra space underneath where I have BT-dongle, USB-microSD-adapter and 2nd microSD card. The new cover has this space filled and "a hack" is not possible.

The battery gives just enough extra power comparing to the old battery, that I can really enjoy GPS-tracking, web-surfing through WLAN and other stuffs. It gives 180% time comparing to the factory battery 100%.

I don't think N900 with the bigger battery and Mugen back cover is too thick or big, when I remember what benefits I get with it. We just cannot go around physics. Li-Ion batteries won't get smaller per mAh.

The only problem is that N900's closed source BME is miscalculating the bigger battery capacity. It is either a bug in BME-system, or in Mugen battery's resistor.
In practise, this affects how you see your remaining charge in programs like BatteryGraph and BatteryEye. But still the phone will work and shouts for recharging when the voltage goes below 3.6V. The voltage measurements are correct fortunately in BME.

The back cover does not affect camera at all.
On the contrary, it is better, because it does not have the shiny silver frame around the lens which sometimes causes troubles with the standard back cover.

I do not have photos of the N900 with the bigger battery and back cover, but the Mugen's page has one photo. And then this is true on the page: "This battery adds 7mm thickness to N900. It will be 25mm."

zimon 2010-05-31 18:39

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by cokeman (Post 667055)
i been reading threw the pages here, but i am getting no real answer of battery life, other than battery meter not working or bulky ph. please give me
battery life compare to original nokia battery please maybe even a poll would help

It gives 180% battery life compared to the original battery's 100%.
2400 mAh vs 1320 mAh. The battery really is 2400 mAh, so no scam there.

darguzar 2010-06-13 12:29

3 Attachment(s)
Well just two days back i got this DURASTAR BL-5J 1700mah battery form a whole sale shop it costed me almost 13 US dollar.....

It is Great i could not fine any where on net the astimate time for those batterie mentioned before.....

Well it is Second day and man it is still full....
yesterday i got it by 6pm and the shop keeper told me to charge the battery full before using the cell....

It was fully charged at 8pm till then my N900 was recieved about 10msges then i pluged my cell to tv and listed to two music videos
the before going to bed i listed to some music tracks and played block game for about 30 mins then in the morning i have recieved some calls about 15-20 msges....
took a few pictures and amazingly the battery is still full....
It battery is excelent as compared to the original which i got with the set ......

arkanoid 2010-06-13 13:08

Re: T.k.
I guess it will suddenly drop to 0% at an unpredictable moment and phone will switch off.
It is more easy to believe in broken capacity meter circuit in chinese batteries than in outstanding performance. Well, i've seen batteries that report weird values quite often.

What does battery graph report?

F2thaK 2010-06-13 14:47

Re: T.k.

Originally Posted by darguzar (Post 713066)
Well just two days back i got this DURASTAR BL-5J 1700mah battery form a whole sale shop it costed me almost 13 US dollar.....

It is Great i could not fine any where on net the astimate time for those batterie mentioned before.....

Well it is Second day and man it is still full....
yesterday i got it by 6pm and the shop keeper told me to charge the battery full before using the cell....

It was fully charged at 8pm till then my N900 was recieved about 10msges then i pluged my cell to tv and listed to two music videos
the before going to bed i listed to some music tracks and played block game for about 30 mins then in the morning i have recieved some calls about 15-20 msges....
took a few pictures and amazingly the battery is still full....
It battery is excelent as compared to the original which i got with the set ......

I want one...!

something like this ?

yodawg 2010-06-13 14:48

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
thats what im wondering f2thak
27 people have already bought that so it must be decent
plus for 10bucks why not?
going to order now

gabby131 2010-06-13 14:52

Re: T.k.

Originally Posted by darguzar (Post 713066)
Well just two days back i got this DURASTAR BL-5J 1700mah battery form a whole sale shop it costed me almost 13 US dollar.....

It is Great i could not fine any where on net the astimate time for those batterie mentioned before.....

Well it is Second day and man it is still full....
yesterday i got it by 6pm and the shop keeper told me to charge the battery full before using the cell....

It was fully charged at 8pm till then my N900 was recieved about 10msges then i pluged my cell to tv and listed to two music videos
the before going to bed i listed to some music tracks and played block game for about 30 mins then in the morning i have recieved some calls about 15-20 msges....
took a few pictures and amazingly the battery is still full....
It battery is excelent as compared to the original which i got with the set ......

is that battery has the same size as the nokia BL-5J???

i hope that wont heat extra when OC'ing

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