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Dexter1759 2010-02-19 15:57

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I live in Great Yarmouth, UK. Don't think ANYONE else within a good distance has an N900. That said I have travelled a bit to Norwich, London & Birminghan since having my N900 and not seen one single other N900 out in the wild!

Doonie 2010-02-19 18:34

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
we are clearly all sat inside playing with our n900's lol

kazuki 2010-02-19 19:07

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by SR90 (Post 536711)
Cool ,I love mine too , I can't get my hands off it , seriously . I have just made my first skype call today and it was just flawless , I hope nokia adds the video calling and video chat with firmware update but it's not a biggie for me ,
The battery is ok , Good to hear you are loving it :D

nah.... i came from an e90. now that everything except office work, 80% of my desktop task have officially moved to my n900. its one of those disorders that if i lose my n900 i could die. but the battery is simply not enough for me to play with it the WHOLE day.

u wouldn't happen to be a girl would u?

jerden69 2010-02-19 19:24

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Any Toronto People in here with a N900? I feel all alone up here!

mr_bridger 2010-02-19 19:44

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Everyone, stick your names down on andyfrommk's thread here....

it says UK, but i think everones doing it now :)

Kajko 2010-02-19 20:25

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by jerden69 (Post 537128)
Any Toronto People in here with a N900? I feel all alone up here!

Yup! Here, here !

mr_bridger 2010-02-19 20:45

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by kazuki (Post 537097)
80% of my desktop task have officially moved to my n900. its one of those disorders that if i lose my n900 i could die.

I know that feeling..... i use portable apps on my pendrive, and thunderbird for my email.....

im now scared now to plug it in... theres gotta be about 1000 emails i havent checked as they are all diverted to my N900!!!

peas 2010-02-19 21:39

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
No sightings of the device at all here in Sweden.

Mine is due to arrive next week, and according to an employee at a local store the demand for it is extremely high considering that there has been little to no effort put into making people aware of its existence.

SR90 2010-02-20 08:58

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by kazuki (Post 537097)
nah.... i came from an e90. now that everything except office work, 80% of my desktop task have officially moved to my n900. its one of those disorders that if i lose my n900 i could die. but the battery is simply not enough for me to play with it the WHOLE day.

u wouldn't happen to be a girl would u?

lool , nice one !

I feel your pain ,
You could get an extra battery for now so you can enjoy your n900 all day long :D
I guess we have to wait and see if Nokia can update the firmware and tweak the battery performance on n900 , I remember ,they came up with a firmware update before for my n95 which had a terrible battery when it was just released and it helped my n95 to stay alive more :) , LISTEN NOKIA, Finger crossed !

kazuki 2010-02-20 18:05

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
that too i've been looking around for, sometimes i found non-original n900 battery with 1130 mAh. then i think to myself. whats the point of getting this then?

just had a horror story last night. while taking photos of the olympic flame, someone bumped into me and hands r cold n so on, my baby took a pummel to the concrete floor from head height!! i don't exactly remember the fall entirely since i panicked n my brained worked to keep unhappy memories out of my head. but from what i remember the fall wasn't that hard. probably hit my leg which broke the fall a bit n slided couple feet horizontally. lucky i had invisible shield on and a few scratches stand. phew. thats the only battle damage i've found so far

at first i thought the camera was screwed bcoz every pic i took afterwards was yellowish and too bright. then when i'm done panicking i realized it was the dust kicked up during the fall. took out my nokia cloth, wiped it and fine again.

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