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qosmio 2010-10-17 01:20

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by iceman600 (Post 842976)
ok let me clarify this Q...

here is wht i have to do: (pls correct me if im wrong)

cd /home/user/MyDocs




gconftool -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/views/active -t list --list-type int [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]


gconftool -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/views/$i/bg-image -t string /home/user/MyDocs/$i.png

im a bit lost there about the i's

if let say i want 9 walls... do i have to to the cmd 9 times placing the i's from 1 to 9?

thank for the help Q

Just open Xterm on your n900.. type "sudo gainroot" then paste what I wrote down.. hit enter ... that's all you have to do..

kind regards Qosmio

(Edit) just ran it on mine... worked fine.

iceman600 2010-10-17 03:16

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
1 Attachment(s)
Hey it works... thanks for the help Q and no......yes!:D

now the theming will begin:D

thanks again =)

Bratag 2010-10-19 17:23

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Question. If i wanted to replicate a set of widgets exactly the same locations etc on every screen. Is there a set of configs I can simply copy/mod and achieve this.

As a rule I like to have a clock and a few other standard things on every screen, but the process of making and dragging them to the exact same location (never an easy task) is wearing me down.

J4ZZ 2010-10-20 07:52

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by MaddogG (Post 836994)
I tried it, and it seems to work! :D
This is the command I used:

gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/decel_rate -t int 99

I did accidently put 0.99 instead of 99 because I misunderdtood the multiplication description.

I then corrected my string but I cannot see any changes to the kinetic scrolling... its still slow.

Do I have to delete the firstly entered wrong string somehow, or why does it not work?

And is there a way to view all the gconf strings in an editor or something?



bandora 2010-10-20 08:19

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by iceman600 (Post 843010)
Hey it works... thanks for the help Q and no......yes!:D

now the theming will begin:D

thanks again =)

Sorry for going off topic but do you mind sharing that bg pic? :)

MaddogG 2010-10-20 10:02

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by J4ZZ (Post 845813)
I did accidently put 0.99 instead of 99 because I misunderdtood the multiplication description.

I then corrected my string but I cannot see any changes to the kinetic scrolling... its still slow.

Do I have to delete the firstly entered wrong string somehow, or why does it not work?

And is there a way to view all the gconf strings in an editor or something?



To view the current value: "gconftool-2 -g /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/decel_rate"

Anyway, you should try this.

J4ZZ 2010-10-20 10:07

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Me again...
btw thx MaddogG for the inormation.
I already had Mohammads modified version installed wich somehow killed my 5th desktop and prevented me even from reinstalling Matans version again. I needed to restore original nokia hildon-desktop for beeing able to reinstall Matans modified one again.
So I got it fixed now and kinetic scrolling is fine, too ;)

I then tried the change backgrounds commands for having the 9 desktops with numbered background images. But when I now change desktop 5 to 9 backgrounds, the chosen wallpaper always is applied to desktop 1 and not to the one I started the change background setting from. (desktops 5 to 9)
^ nevernind, found the solution

then find the wallpaper you want in your images open it up and then set as the background.. same way you would set the back ground before you had the extra screens..
I didn't get that I need to change it from file manager in the first place. (I tried it from the desktop menu, wich appears when holding the stylus on desktop for a few seconds)



iceman600 2010-10-20 18:10

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by qosmio (Post 842985)
Just open Xterm on your n900.. type "sudo gainroot" then paste what I wrote down.. hit enter ... that's all you have to do..

kind regards Qosmio

(Edit) just ran it on mine... worked fine.

q having problems again...:D i cant change the wallpaper after applying one into them... :(

sure... here's my BG photo. enjoy

techie 2010-10-23 04:53

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by J4ZZ (Post 845926)
Me again...
I then tried the change backgrounds commands for having the 9 desktops with numbered background images. But when I now change desktop 5 to 9 backgrounds, the chosen wallpaper always is applied to desktop 1 and not to the one I started the change background setting from. (desktops 5 to 9)
^ nevernind, found the solution
I didn't get that I need to change it from file manager in the first place. (I tried it from the desktop menu, wich appears when holding the stylus on desktop for a few seconds)



Same issue.Tried all the commands and everything.Verified that the image location comes up in gconf but still no images are shown.
Some help please.

Matan 2010-10-23 09:44

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
You probably don't have the correct hildon-home.

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