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dozzie 2009-10-16 21:34

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Thanks guys for URLs over and over again. I've just missed Google Street URL and created one based on alephito's link:

By the way, how do you figure out Google's URL for maps?

Lord Raiden 2009-10-17 03:22

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Yeah, I'm with Dozzie on that one. How are you guys figuring this out?

scavmink 2009-10-21 14:22

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Lord Raiden (Post 349304)
Yeah, I'm with Dozzie on that one. How are you guys figuring this out?

After reading around the forum, the best way to find what the current URL format Google uses is to visit Google Maps, and using either Firebug in Firefox or Web Inspector in Safari/Webkit you can inspect one of the tiles to get the image URL.

As of right now, here's an example of a Google Street Image URL in London, UK.

From the query string, we can see the x, y and z params that we need. The other stuff isn't needed. Plus as Google uses multiple servers, we don't need the "mt0" bit at the beginning, just "mt"

So that leaves us with.

But it's not quite right yet!

Maemo Mapper uses the "zoom" param instead of "z", as it uses 1 for the closest, up to 17. The "z" value is reversed by subtracting the "z" value from the maximum zoom.

Using the example above, this would mean that:

17 - 13 = 4
The "zoom" value would be 4, which would give us

Now to convert the URL into the format for Mapper$d&zoom=%d

The same approach can be used for the Satellite view.

An example using the same area

In this case, we would need the "v" param, the version, but the rest can go

Apply the same with the "zoom"

And convert to Mapper URL

So after all that, as of now, here are the URLs

Google Street$d&zoom=%d

Google Satellite

Hope that makes sense! :)

Dudusat 2009-11-15 17:13

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
how do I use this repository to maemo mapper :confused:

wanted to know how to convert it for use in maemo mapper anyone know?

GeraldKo 2009-11-15 18:24

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Dudusat (Post 377124)
how do I use this repository to maemo mapper :confused:

wanted to know how to convert it for use in maemo mapper anyone know?

I think those aren't "repositories" but are just maps, no?

You should look through Fragos' tutorial for maemo-mapper.

Dudusat 2009-11-15 20:16

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 377151)
I think those aren't "repositories" but are just maps, no?

You should look through Fragos' tutorial for maemo-mapper.

wanted to find the repository of this map here in order to use the maemo because it's alright with me to the streets

Dudusat 2009-11-17 16:04

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

scavmink 2009-11-18 18:00

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Dudusat (Post 377226)
wanted to find the repository of this map here in order to use the maemo because it's alright with me to the streets

I had a look at the site, and the map is not generated in the way others are. It seems to use a simple X,Y coordinate based on the level of zoom, therefore there are less map tiles when you are zoomed out all the way, and thousands when zoomed in close.

I tried using the url format of the image tiles, and although it managed to download them in mapper, the map itself was offset by a large amount.

For example, I live in the UK, so my gps marker would give a good indication where I am in the world, and according to the terra map, my gps location was in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, halfway between South American and Africa!!!

Here is the URL format I managed to get

Converted to mapper

Feel free to try it for yourself, but as I said, the offset is "noticable"!

I wonder if there is a way of offsetting the map to fix this issue.

Hope this has been helpful

Dudusat 2009-11-19 11:15

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by scavmink (Post 381045)
I had a look at the site, and the map is not generated in the way others are. It seems to use a simple X,Y coordinate based on the level of zoom, therefore there are less map tiles when you are zoomed out all the way, and thousands when zoomed in close.

I tried using the url format of the image tiles, and although it managed to download them in mapper, the map itself was offset by a large amount.

For example, I live in the UK, so my gps marker would give a good indication where I am in the world, and according to the terra map, my gps location was in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, halfway between South American and Africa!!!

Here is the URL format I managed to get

Converted to mapper

Feel free to try it for yourself, but as I said, the offset is "noticable"!

I wonder if there is a way of offsetting the map to fix this issue.

Hope this has been helpful

It was very useful but I already used these maps tinah more they find the same silent lot more anyway thanks for everything

do not know why the google map does not fit in my city he is bent then I go out walking him checking out all wrong

Engmex 2009-11-26 20:00

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Hi does anyone know a URL for Google satellite images. None listed here work.

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