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praveenchand 2010-08-07 12:03

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by Jack6428 (Post 778064)
Coincidentally, the tweet you quoted was from me. I asked him the same question, only formulated differently, over 8 times! No response. Here is a chronological list (from oldest to newest) of what I wrote:

@NiklasatNokia: Greetings. I own the Nokia N900 since launch and I have 2 questions. 1) Can we expect another major fw update (PR1.3) soon?

@NiklasatNokia: 2) Why has Nokia failed so much with the marketing of the N900 and its OviStore? Silence, minimum promotion, many delays...

@NiklasatNokia:Hello.I own the N900 since launch and see it as your best product.Can we expect another major fw update (PR1.3) soon? #Niklas

@NiklasatNokia: Greetings. 19M downloads for Maemo5 on Will you continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

@NiklasatNokia Greetings. 19M downloads for Maemo5 on Will you continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

@NiklasatNokia: Stop avoiding questions regarding the Nokia N900! Will you continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

@NiklasatNokia Will you continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

@NiklasatNokia Hello. As a N900 owner I want to know wheter you will continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

@NiklasatNokia: Thank you Mr. Niklas today for nothing. Avoiding most of the questions is for Nokia surely a very good approach. Well done!

@nokia: Why has Mr. Niklas yesterday ignored every question regarding the N900 and Maemo 5? Is this how should a head of marketing behave?

@nokia: !!!

As you can see, I tweeted alot of stuff, but nobody replied. Why? I don't know, but my guess is that both Niklas and Nokia are incapable ignorant idiots. And I wouldn't mind telling something simliar to the guy in his face, he deserves it, as everyone in the marketing and sales department and maemo department in Nokia.

Even I asked him many times, he didnt reply. my questions were,
1) I own a Nokia N900 and believe this is one of the best smartphone, but why Nokia didn’t market it well?
2) when can we get free navigation on N900

kevinp93 2010-08-07 16:11

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
loool... he probably doesnt know what the N900 is... lol... i commented about how N900 is being left behind in regards to software, but i Got no reply. However picked up on my twitter post. Here is the article summing the 'discussion' up... (I'm kevinp93 :D)

tissot 2010-08-07 16:23

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by praveenchand (Post 778724)
Even I asked him many times, he didnt reply. my questions were,
1) I own a Nokia N900 and believe this is one of the best smartphone, but why Nokia didn’t market it well?
2) when can we get free navigation on N900

1) N900 was not ever made for big audience. Case in point that N900 was only made in a Korea that's smaller already than the finnish Salo factory and Nokia's high ends are made in two factories(usually Finland and China). N900 coulnd't keep up with the small demand for the first 3 months while N97 sold 2 million in 2 months.
It was as much of a developers tool as a smartphone before harmattan that was announced 2008 and is the first OS from Nokia that will have gone the full circle that was partly started in early 2008 when Nokia bought Trolltech, Symbian^4 following it in q1 2011.

2) I guess this might come with MeeGo or if all qt based map version finds it's way to N900.

ZogG 2010-08-09 03:04

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
i think he prepared to answer the certain question before anyone asked them at all, it's all The Show

danramos 2010-08-09 18:00

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 778486)
Then you should join in the development team and at least support them.

If you want something then you got to take it sometimes.

...Because EVERYONE is a developer! Right?


Originally Posted by volt (Post 778511)
Maybe this time it'll be different.

This - when I've just pulled out some seemingly correct math proof that show hope is illogical - is when qgil usually jumps in all disgruntled-like and surprises me with some unexpected MeeGo-on-N900 development announcement. *eager*

Like the times I kept asking about bluetooth mouse and keyboard support in Fremantle. Repeatedly, I was told that since they're moving to xorg, it would be MUCH more like a desktop experience and mouse/keyboard would be second-nature and supported. Finally, the N900 comes out and it's the SAAAAAAAAAME (worse, actually) as the 770/N8x0 support. Oh Qgil.

gerbick 2010-08-09 18:05

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
danramos, you're gonna get labeled a whiner or troll if you keep making sense and counter points man... don't anger the folks.


neotalk 2010-08-09 18:22

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by un-named_user (Post 778274)
Err.. Did someone notice the comment posted to the Network World story.

At this point I don't care for any answers. Its already clear for the most part where the N900 is going.

But I'm going to be watching which questions they finally do come up with answers for and which ones get left out because of the "too many to answer" excuse from Nokia :D

has anyone found out if Niklas has answered any of the many questions that were not answered yet?

masloff 2010-08-09 18:23

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
oh boy, being an unix administrator, this Nokia/N900 story reminds me Sun/Oracle stuff...same silence, no news, majority of awesome advanced technology being left to rot, when path to profit and $ income is obvious...

guys, get used to it - noone from this top management dudes wont answer really important questions...just general commercial blah-blah.

but, hey, n900 is still a hacker`s delight; being that way flexible, it could be more or less only-community supported in terms of software...considering that community is really big and active.

danramos 2010-08-09 18:53

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by masloff (Post 780644)
but, hey, n900 is still a hacker`s delight; being that way flexible, it could be more or less only-community supported in terms of software...considering that community is really big and active.

You mean like bugfixes and security updates and stuff? Even the closed-source bugs and exploits?

Oh yes. I'm just GUSHING with excitement.


masloff 2010-08-09 19:32

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 780682)
You mean like bugfixes and security updates and stuff? Even the closed-source bugs and exploits?

Oh yes. I'm just GUSHING with excitement.


nope, I meant new applications - not system firmware/security patches

your sarcasm is understood, since trolling with cat picture goes way more exciting, isn`t it? :D

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