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The Wizard of Huz 2012-02-02 03:37

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I've heard Android apps are known to ask a lot of permissions for sending data (to Google) to work. Is there any way to prevent this?
Are here people using cyanogemod and does that care more about your privacy?

Why? I want to upgrade to Galaxy Note by the end of this month.

Cue 2012-02-02 04:22

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by kyllerbuzcut (Post 1158497)
Gave the bluemaemo thing a quick go last night. managed to install and pair with the note but couldn't actually 'do' anything from there. I'm not using ICS so that could be a problem. Has anyone made it work on Gingerbread yet? Will give that keyboard thing a try too when I get a chance.

What exactly happened after you paired? Did it show the mouse/ keyboard/presentation options?

Please note that you can't use the hardware KB in bluemaemo, it's an onscreen one. You can also use the hardware KB and the screen as a trackpad but you have to fix keyboard focus (let me know if you want to do this and I'll help you set it up).

kyllerbuzcut 2012-02-02 19:13

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Yes got them to pair and the options appear. mouse, keypard, presentation etc. Tried moving the mouse around and typing both onscreen and on the hwkb but nothing happened, so have been assuming it's because I don't have ICS. What is supposed to happen? Maybe I'm just missing something really obvious. Do I have to press any other buttons either in android or maemo to get it to accept commands or something?

If I get it to work then I would be very interested in using the hwkb and the screen as a mousepad thing.

Cue 2012-02-02 19:32

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by kyllerbuzcut (Post 1159607)
Yes got them to pair and the options appear. mouse, keypard, presentation etc. Tried moving the mouse around and typing both onscreen and on the hwkb but nothing happened, so have been assuming it's because I don't have ICS. What is supposed to happen? Maybe I'm just missing something really obvious. Do I have to press any other buttons either in android or maemo to get it to accept commands or something?

If I get it to work then I would be very interested in using the hwkb and the screen as a mousepad thing.

not sure then, sorry. You don't have to press anything special, a mouse pointer just appears when I use the bluemaemo trackpad paired with the Galaxy Nexus. Assumed it would be the same. Have you tried launching bluemaemo from a terminal to see if it throws any errors?

Maybe rcolistete can help with Android 3.2.1 settings, or maybe it's device specific?

mscion 2012-02-02 19:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by kyllerbuzcut (Post 1159607)
Yes got them to pair and the options appear. mouse, keypard, presentation etc. Tried moving the mouse around and typing both onscreen and on the hwkb but nothing happened, so have been assuming it's because I don't have ICS. What is supposed to happen? Maybe I'm just missing something really obvious. Do I have to press any other buttons either in android or maemo to get it to accept commands or something?

If I get it to work then I would be very interested in using the hwkb and the screen as a mousepad thing.

I don't think it has to do with ICS in particular. I might have mentioned this before in this thread but I bought a small bluetooth keyboard (about the same length as GN but a little less wide) called magic pro and it works great with the Galaxy Note. This device also has a small touch pad that allows me to control a cursor on the Galaxy Note screen such that I can actually open applications via double tapping. Unfortunately no pinch and zoom on the touch pad...

rcolistete 2012-02-02 21:02

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 1159269)
Please note that you can't use the hardware KB in bluemaemo, it's an onscreen one. You can also use the hardware KB and the screen as a trackpad but you have to fix keyboard focus (let me know if you want to do this and I'll help you set it up).

On Nokia N810 the hardware keyboard works in BlueMaemo.

On Nokia N900 & BlueMaemo, I have no success using the hardware keyboard, just the virtual keyboard.

Could you give the instructions to fix keyboard focus in BlueMaemo on N900 ?

rcolistete 2012-02-02 21:09

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 1159617)
Maybe rcolistete can help with Android 3.2.1 settings, or maybe it's device specific?

With BlueMaemo @ N810 the Asus Transformer (Android 3.2.1) works very well. With BlueMaemo @ N900, the hardware keyboard doesn't work.

To pair N900 & Android, BlueMaemo should be open and waiting for connection. So if N900 is already paired, remove the pairing and do it again.

kyllerbuzcut 2012-02-02 22:26

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Just been having another quick try, and attempting waiting for connection before pairing. Getting some strange behaviour. The nokia n900 appeared as a little mouse and keyboard icon instead of a phone icon. There is just the options to connect or unpair mostly. At one point on the note there was an option in there for more options and there was a tick box which said connect as a bluetooth HID device or words to that effect. It wouldn't turn on though and when I went back out those options were gone again. IT looks like it's trying to work somewhere but just not quite getting there. Since trying this the n900 will not stay connected for long and will be disconnected after about 60 seconds. I don't think it's really connected anyway as no mouse appears and the keyboard doesn't do anything either. I will keep trying things to see if it's just something really stupid I'm doing ( very possible:) ).
It looks like it is still possible that the n900 and the Note on Gingerbread might not be compatible.

edit: got the option back. this time, after removing pairing, I started via xterm. On there it's just a constant "waiting for connection..."
same in the bluemaemo window. On the Note, under bluetooth devices the n900 is there. says it's paired. Long press allows connect, unpair or options. In options there is an n900 option to connect 'pair and connect to HID device' Nothing happens when I press. Also there is profiles HID device. Use for HID device, which is already ticked. trying to connect from the Note doesn't seem to do anything in bluemaemo. Oh well. Will keep trying and if I come up with anything I will report back.

Cue 2012-02-03 01:36

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1159656)
Could you give the instructions to fix keyboard focus in BlueMaemo on N900 ?

The easiest method (although it takes time to initially install) is to install Easy Debian. Then in a terminal (while bluemaemo is open in the background) do


fixkbdfocus bluemaemo
then it should start working. The symbols are not mapped correctly but typing most things works.

You can even create a bluemaemo shortcut which does this step automatically.

Cue 2012-02-03 01:42

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by kyllerbuzcut (Post 1159704)
Just been having another quick try, and attempting waiting for connection before pairing. Getting some strange behaviour. The nokia n900 appeared as a little mouse and keyboard icon instead of a phone icon. There is just the options to connect or unpair mostly. At one point on the note there was an option in there for more options and there was a tick box which said connect as a bluetooth HID device or words to that effect. It wouldn't turn on though and when I went back out those options were gone again. IT looks like it's trying to work somewhere but just not quite getting there. Since trying this the n900 will not stay connected for long and will be disconnected after about 60 seconds. I don't think it's really connected anyway as no mouse appears and the keyboard doesn't do anything either. I will keep trying things to see if it's just something really stupid I'm doing ( very possible:) ).
It looks like it is still possible that the n900 and the Note on Gingerbread might not be compatible.

edit: got the option back. this time, after removing pairing, I started via xterm. On there it's just a constant "waiting for connection..."
same in the bluemaemo window. On the Note, under bluetooth devices the n900 is there. says it's paired. Long press allows connect, unpair or options. In options there is an n900 option to connect 'pair and connect to HID device' Nothing happens when I press. Also there is profiles HID device. Use for HID device, which is already ticked. trying to connect from the Note doesn't seem to do anything in bluemaemo. Oh well. Will keep trying and if I come up with anything I will report back.

I'm guessing you previously tried pairing the other way? So, deleting the Note from your N900, turning bluetooth on on the Note and connecting via the N900 in bluemaemo (not outside it), what happened in that case? Is that the scenario where it just didn't respond?

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