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rcolistete 2012-11-27 15:39

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by Travz03 (Post 1296648)
Hi guys! I'm a newbie in this thread and I wanted to use Easy Debian on my Nokia N9. I followed the steps stated in the first post on how to install manually. Everything went through, I have all the 20 Icons of Easy Debian but I'm still going to download the Debian image ext2 or ext3. I just want to know whether I have done it the right way. Here's a screenshot I took when I installed the easy-deb-chroot_1.1.0-1harmattan1_armel.deb, please tell me if it's correct. Thanks :)

It seems ok. Choose an Debian image (I suggest the debian-m5-v3e-Sci because it is well tested), put it in MyDocs folder, tap "DebianChroot" icon and check if you obtain the result of the last screenshot of 1st post.

rcolistete 2012-11-27 15:42

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by psychEinside (Post 1296175)
I've done with this part, but nothing happen when tap the icon "FixDebImg". then i try to tap the "Debian LXDE" icon to start but the debian didn't start. please help

FixDebImg should open X terminal and shows a lot of messages, then closes after some seconds.

Tap "DebianChroot" icon and check if you obtain the result of the last screenshot of 1st post.

psychEinside 2012-11-28 14:42

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1298952)
FixDebImg should open X terminal and shows a lot of messages, then closes after some seconds.

Tap "DebianChroot" icon and check if you obtain the result of the last screenshot of 1st post.

It works now on my n9, thanks
what is the root password for xterm in debian LXDE?
I tried "rootme" but is does not work, i tried also the command " sudo su-" it says "sudo:must be setuid root".
I want to execute the eclipse trough the xterm, but i guess i need root permission.

rcolistete 2012-11-29 21:00

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by psychEinside (Post 1299336)
It works now on my n9, thanks
what is the root password for xterm in debian LXDE?
I tried "rootme" but is does not work, i tried also the command " sudo su-" it says "sudo:must be setuid root".
I want to execute the eclipse trough the xterm, but i guess i need root permission.

It is not recommend to open GUI applications as "root" user because some configuration files/folders will be saved with root permissions, so that the application could not be used by the normal "user" user.

Easy Debian Harmattan has some problems which Easy Debian Fremantle/Diable don't have. One of these is the issue of setuid as root not working, I don't know the solution until now. To login as root in Easy Debian, tap the "DebianChroot" icon, but any GUI application will open outside LXDE and have the mentioned permission problems.

psychEinside 2012-11-30 12:42

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1299865)
It is not recommend to open GUI applications as "root" user because some configuration files/folders will be saved with root permissions, so that the application could not be used by the normal "user" user.

Easy Debian Harmattan has some problems which Easy Debian Fremantle/Diable don't have. One of these is the issue of setuid as root not working, I don't know the solution until now. To login as root in Easy Debian, tap the "DebianChroot" icon, but any GUI application will open outside LXDE and have the mentioned permission problems.

okay,thanks.but how can i open the eclipse i downloaded?is it possible to open it?btw, the eclipse is for linux i downloaded in, will it work in debian?

Akkumaru 2012-11-30 12:56

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Can we have an empty desktop (Completely empty)?

EDIT: I found out. For those of you who wants to do it, here are the steps:

1. Go on DebianChroot
2. nano nano ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs
3. change XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME" to XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/MyDocs/Desktop(or whichever empty folder you want)"
4. Save and profit! :D

The only catch is that there is that My Documents icon.
Sigh. :/

Akkumaru 2012-12-01 15:47

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Look at what I did!

Akkumaru 2012-12-03 09:20

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Is it possible to run another de in Easy Debian? Would love to try.

n950 2012-12-03 12:53

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

I have installed EASY debian + debian-m5-v3e.img.ext2.lzma

I want to install one game with this command line:

apt-get install --no-install-recommends <package-name>


apt-get install <package-name>

<package-name> = tennix

When it's finished and I run Debian LXDE I don't find the game anywhere. Why?

Thanks for your help in advance

rcolistete 2012-12-03 19:12

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !

Originally Posted by Akkumaru (Post 1300883)
Is it possible to run another de in Easy Debian? Would love to try.

"de" ?

The Easy Debian Harmattan mounts an Debian image once, if already mounted, it is not mounted again.

So we can have one instance open of LXDE, DebianChroot (X Terminal open inside Debian as root), Abiword, Gnumeric, LibreOffice, etc, at the same time.

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