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m4r0v3r 2015-11-19 17:53

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by asa (Post 1488584)
What am I doing wrong?

I unlocked and installed cm11. Everything went fine.

But now I cannot install SFOS on top of it...
I have tried to flash it over cm and beside it with multirom. It always gets stuck on the Google bootloader. WIth multirom cm starts fine.

Here are some pics from the process

which cm are you using?

asa 2015-11-19 18:27

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by romu (Post 1488590)
The first run is pretty long. Your screenshots seem normal to me.

How long should I wait? I've let it run for about 5 minutes, as it says in mer-wiki: Reboot the device and it should boot to Sailfish OS. If the device shows Google logo for 4-5 minutes, do a reboot using power button.

I'm using cm11 from the installation guide:
Download CyanogenMod 11 snapshot M11 from and follow instructions from to install the CyanogenMod image.

breiti_oi 2015-11-19 18:52

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1460961)
Install keyboard prediction as root

pkcon install store-client jolla-xt9 jolla-xt9-de

I just installed, Jolla Store works out the box now so it doesn't need to be installed again, but i couldn't get the word prediction to work. :(

m4r0v3r 2015-11-19 22:20

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by asa (Post 1488595)
How long should I wait? I've let it run for about 5 minutes, as it says in mer-wiki: Reboot the device and it should boot to Sailfish OS. If the device shows Google logo for 4-5 minutes, do a reboot using power button.

I'm using cm11 from the installation guide:
Download CyanogenMod 11 snapshot M11 from and follow instructions from to install the CyanogenMod image.

did you try without multirom?

so install Cynagenmod, then install Sailfish OS onto then reboot?

asa 2015-11-20 07:50

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1488639)
did you try without multirom?

so install Cynagenmod, then install Sailfish OS onto then reboot?

Yep. Tried it again, but no luck.

This is what I did
First install CM11
Then flash Sailfish over it
Flash succesful
But this is what I get after reboot... I have let it sit like that for the last 15 minutes.

m4r0v3r 2015-11-20 09:23

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by asa (Post 1488675)
Yep. Tried it again, but no luck.

This is what I did
First install CM11
Then flash Sailfish over it
Flash succesful
But this is what I get after reboot... I have let it sit like that for the last 15 minutes.

silly question, but when installing with Multirom you are using the multirom menu? And not just Installing a rom?


clicking Advanced > Multirom etc etc

romu 2015-11-20 09:44

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Go with MultiRom, personaly, I never managed to run SFOS without it.

And following @m4r0v3r (damned id to type!) wrote, when your start your phone, you should see the MultiRom menu (with a red title bar) which lists all available OS on the phone. Does it happen?

breiti_oi 2015-11-20 12:32

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5

I think you use an wrong CM11 Snapshot.
The wiki says you have use CM11 Snapshot M9, or M11, (which both work - i just tested it again ;) )
but your first screenshot shows you've installed Snapshot CNG3CAO3GO.

EDIT: and your Screenshots also show that you don't use multiboot, but that only matter's if you want you use an Android beside Sailfish.

asa 2015-11-20 13:40

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Thanks guys for your help! Much appreciated!

I'll try again with multiboot.


Yeaah! Got it! I downloaded everything again and now it's up and running.
Look at it :) So beatiful!

Thank you!

salkos73 2015-11-23 06:50

Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
I installed sailfish with multirom. How do I upgrade to version sailfish? I know that via ota having multirom can't update.

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