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Rauha 2013-11-23 20:56

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by biatch0 (Post 1388451)

Just to be clear, I'd much rather they (Jolla) just charged me an extra EURxxx to deliver internationally instead of having me jump through hoops.

I'm sure they would be happy to just charge a few extra euros for shipping.

Instead of having to deal with mobile device regulations and regulatory approvals for device sales, warranties, localisations, network partners, logistics, marketing, legal representation, customer support, etc and so forth.

I think I wrote this before when this came up, but I'm happy that Jolla is doing it the way they are doing. There are plenty of 'hobby' Linux/OS-phone projects. And do not get me wrong. I'm not against those and many of them are great projects. We just don't any more of those. There are plenty enough of those great projetcs. Its just that we deserve to have Jolla as well and their way of trying to do it like a serious business enterprise that does things like a business, instead of a Stallmanian idealogical project (<-- not that there's anything wrong with that).

praveenchand 2013-11-24 06:17

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
I already informed Jolla (via CC) that am ready to pay shipping charges. In response they recommended me to join mailing list to hear when Jolla will be available in my country.

Dave999 2013-11-24 07:49

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by praveenchand (Post 1388528)
I already informed Jolla (via CC) that am ready to pay shipping charges. In response they recommended me to join mailing list to hear when Jolla will be available in my country.

well. the question is how bad you want it. I could set up shop and buy them and send to you. it would be even faster if someone in finland could help out with this.

you send me money and i send you the phone. i wont charge anything extra for TMO members..
shipping cost
extra shipping box

you have to take all the risk with no payback if something happen with device during shippmen or if it dissapears.

praveenchand 2013-11-24 08:29

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1388537)
well. the question is how bad you want it. I could set up shop and buy them and send to you. it would be even faster if someone in finland could help out with this.

you send me money and i send you the phone. i wont charge anything extra for TMO members..
shipping cost
extra shipping box

you have to take all the risk with no payback if something happen with device during shippmen or if it dissapears.

I already asked this somewhere before that if there is a possibility for TMO to coordinate the delivery.

Dave999 2013-11-24 08:36

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by praveenchand (Post 1388544)
I already asked this somewhere before that if there is a possibility for TMO to coordinate the delivery.


I think its faster if some in Finland could help out. Anyone willing to help if there is a demand?

mikecomputing 2013-11-24 08:54

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
If you prefer diaspora over facebook and got the new mail from Jolla there were some links to some social media sites where Jolla is active. One of them was diaspora so don't forget to click so they know people in EU is using diaspora the open social media...

Also they'r on:

biatch0 2013-11-24 10:04

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 1388482)
Instead of having to deal with mobile device regulations and regulatory approvals for device sales, warranties, localisations, network partners, logistics, marketing, legal representation, customer support, etc and so forth.

I understand these are all issues... the thing is that people who are willing to order to an EU address, pay for courier back to their own country, etc. most likely understand all of those things, and are willing to take the risk of possibly not receiving the device (or having to pay tax/duty/excise/whatever). All that being said, I'd still rather give the EURxxx on top of the device price to Jolla rather than Fedex or DHL (or insert your preferred courier company here). The risk is the same regardless of which company I pay the courier fees to.

To be clear, I wouldn't yell at the Jolla folks and start karate chopping tables in a rage... it would just be very much appreciated by the (slightly insane) fans around the world who want the device but are stuck in limbo until their country is confirmed (or confirmed NOT) to get Jolla support.

Dave999 2013-11-24 10:18

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
I have to fly Helsinki between christmas and new year and Where is the best/biggest/most central DNA shop?. I expect to get My jolla before that but you never know With jolla. They changer their minds to often. Any others stores selling jolla?

kinggo 2013-11-24 10:20

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
It just doesn't work that way. Sure, there are many pople willing to risk with it but Jolla can't sell you a device and then wash their hands. Let's put aside operators, localization and al that but they still would have to provide you with some warranty. I belive that there's no country that allows someone to sell something without some kind of protection for the consumer.

biatch0 2013-11-24 10:35

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
Here... 3rd world country... nada consumer protection :p

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