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qwazix 2013-08-08 15:16

Re: Ubuntu Edge
I am willing to bet that the vast majority of Ubuntu edge backers despise sandboxing (not to mention that it doesn't fit within their convergence idea). I will be certainly disappointed if they end up shipping a crippled OS. Now I wouldn't object in a "run in sandbox" option, but an iOS style walled garden is not my cup of tea.

mscion 2013-08-08 15:34

Re: Ubuntu Edge
I was just wondering. Why can canonical proceed if they only make it to say, 10 million dollars? Is that too small an amount to pay for manufacture and still break even?

EDIT: Oops! I had meant can't. Too late now! Fortunately Dave999 got it right!

Dave999 2013-08-08 15:40

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1365841)
I was just wondering. Why can canonical proceed if they only make it to say, 10 million dollars? Is that too small an amount to pay for manufacture and still break even?

They could probably build a device for 10 but not with that spec, but to me even 32 seems to be a bit low. What they want to do is to be able to negotiate the best spec possible at the time. the bigger number they have, the better spec/price. So it's about scale. So my guess is that they have talks with vendors and decided that 32 is the minimum for a solid device according to what they want to achieve.

Lumiaman 2013-08-08 16:56

Re: Ubuntu Edge
They seem to have a good leadership. That is certainly a good sign.

Bernard 2013-08-08 18:32

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1365865)
They seem to have a good leadership. That is certainly a good sign.

Funny, my conclusion would be the exact opposite based on how the crowd-funding campaign is handled.
Not that I would know much about leadership, but:
Lots of mistakes == bad leadership
in my basic way of thinking.

Still hoping they succeed, I want my Edge!! :)

Lumiaman 2013-08-08 18:32

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by Bernard (Post 1365878)
Funny, my conclusion would be the exact opposite based on how the crowd-funding campaign is handled.
Not that I would know much about leadership, but:
Lots of mistakes == bad leadership
in my basic way of thinking.

Still hoping they succeed, I want my Edge!! :)

I think their leadership outjumps Jolla's by a mile.

Bernard 2013-08-08 18:46

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1365836)
I am willing to bet that the vast majority of Ubuntu edge backers despise sandboxing (not to mention that it doesn't fit within their convergence idea). I will be certainly disappointed if they end up shipping a crippled OS. Now I wouldn't object in a "run in sandbox" option, but an iOS style walled garden is not my cup of tea.

You are probably right, but that is just because they associate sand-boxing and security with the iOS walled garden. It really isn't.
Android has a clear security model, and that is a good thing. You can still side-load applications and root your device.

For me full convergence also means a rich ecosystem of mobile application ported from iOS, Android, and Qt based platforms.
Lack of a decent way to secure the data on your phone is just another obstacle together with a lack of users.

Bernard 2013-08-08 18:58

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1365879)
I think their leadership outjumps Jolla's by a mile.

ah, don't know about that. I'm waiting for the actual device to be available. I normally don't like pre-ordering in these cases, way too many unknowns.
For the Edge I didn't have the option. But even if the Ubuntu Edge sucks as a phone, I wouldn't mind losing the money to Ubuntu, since I'm a happy user of their OS on the desktop for 7 years now and counting.

I actually suspect that the Jolla phone will be a much better phone than the Edge, but we will see when both are available.
I would be pleasantly surprised if either can rival the N9 in aesthetics and user experience.

Dave999 2013-08-08 19:09

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by Bernard (Post 1365884)
ah, don't know about that. I'm waiting for the actual device to be available. I normally don't like pre-ordering in these cases, way too many unknowns.
For the Edge I didn't have the option. But even if the Ubuntu Edge sucks as a phone, I wouldn't mind losing the money to Ubuntu, since I'm a happy user of their OS on the desktop for 7 years now and counting.

I actually suspect that the Jolla phone will be a much better phone than the Edge, but we will see when both are available.
I would be pleasantly surprised if either can rival the N9 in aesthetics and user experience.

You can return ubuntu edge if you don't like it before you use it, if you don't like to support it anymore.

"A standard manufacturer warranty will apply. If you are not happy with the product, you may return it within 28 days of receiving it for a full refund. Please note, Canonical can not cover the cost of the return postage and packaging."

ajalkane 2013-08-08 21:17

Re: Ubuntu Edge
Ubuntu phone will have sandboxing and security profiles.

I don't know the details yet enough to know if that makes me happy or not. But I understand both sides of the argument as presented here.

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