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ossipena 2010-02-24 11:10

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

don't know if this is already here...

speedmartini 2010-02-24 11:21

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Alan_Peery (Post 544012)
@SpeedMartini: Just to confirm, you were only changing the URL, and not the file path? If so, you've solved a puzzle for me, because I thought that error message was referring to the inability to create the file -- not an inability to connect to the maps file repository.

I changed both the URL and the cache file path. The URL to fix a problem, the cache to permit adequate storage space

I believe posts #254 and #256 to which I was replying only referred to an inability to connect to the repository - Oops - wrong, see next post...

The (Google Street) URL that worked for me is as post #257:

That goes in the "URL Format" line in the Google Street repository from "Manage Repositories"

This isn't an error with Maemo Mapper, as previously noted (I don't want to take credit for figuring this out), Google changed their URL's so we just needed to match that to connect to the repositories. This was the reason my maps "failed to download"

With the process as outlined, I was able to update all of my Mapper repositories to the current Google source repository.

I then changed my default cache file path from the internal memory to my external media card to allow for better storage. I did it through the "Browse" function of the Cache DB line after creating a MMaps folder.

The file path was then:


I used the same names for the higher level folder and Google Street maps as the program defaults

The best place for all things Maemo Mapper is:

Note I'm using an N800 with an external GPS so some of the 810 stuff doesn't apply to me. I've also never had any trouble with anything other than the repository URL so I haven't tried any of the troubleshooting or problem fixes outlined. I cannot speak to any other devices.

There's also a wiki for the program

Here's the garage page where bugs and whatnot are reported, though I don't know how active it is:

Note the program was last updated for OS2008, so I have no idea how it'd work on the N900

I also have A-GPS installed (though I'm not sure if it has helped any, but it's supposed to). And I just installed City Guide which is neat too.

It really is a great program - Enjoy!

speedmartini 2010-02-24 11:30

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Alan_Peery (Post 544012)
@SpeedMartini: Just to confirm, you were only changing the URL, and not the file path? If so, you've solved a puzzle for me, because I thought that error message was referring to the inability to create the file -- not an inability to connect to the maps file repository.

Hey - after re-reading everything I should clarify that lingenfr did have the "unable to create map database" error, but I wanted to give a good URL to eliminate that as requested, and also help anyone who couldn't connect to the repositories and might want to cache out on a media card.

That's a good catch Alan - Thanks!

ossipena 2010-02-24 11:36

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
i can confirm severe problems with maemo-mapper repositories. lets just hope a better version emerges soon.

spooley 2010-02-24 12:16

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 544136)
i can confirm severe problems with maemo-mapper repositories. lets just hope a better version emerges soon.

I don't see any evidence of anyone actively working on Maemo Mapper (particularly the N900 version), so I don't expect a better version to appear any time soon.

With the N900 version of Maemo-Mapper (sorry, can't give the version no. as the About... menu entry displays nothing), the default, OpenStreet map repository, worked well.

Download Sample Repositories... installed several working map repositories, but Google Maps (the one I particularly wanted) was broken. I deleted the installed repositories and re-created Google Maps (see below) and now have a setup, on my N900, with working OpenStreet and Google maps.

Changing between map repositories does not seem to automatically re-draw the current map with the new map, but zooming causes a redraw to the new map.

My working Manage Repositories settings are as follows:


URL format=
  Cache DB=OpenStreetMap
Download Zoom Steps=XX__    _ Double...
    View Zoom Steps=X___    X Next-a-...
Downloadable Zooms:Min=4  Max=20

Google Maps

URL format=
  Cache DB=Google Maps
Download Zoom Steps=XX__    _ Double...
    View Zoom Steps=X___    X Next-a-...
Downloadable Zooms:Min=4  Max=20


lingenfr 2010-02-25 02:24

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by mmlado (Post 540683)
Problem with Google Street is in the resource it is getting the repositories from. Somewhere the separator for parameters is bad, so when it gets the data the url contains the Cache DB name at the end of the url.
Just edit the url and delete " Google Maps" from the end of it. Add Couch DB name, original is Google Maps.
Besides this I set the Download Zoom Steps to 2 and unchecked the "Double something" (can't see the end) besides it.
You'll also need to set the Downloadable Zooms (Mine is Min:4 Max: 20). This step is needed because all the settings are moved one up, because the separator for url, cache db is missing. So it takes the next setting for each of them after that.

I've tried the suggestions so far and still have the same error. It would be great if you could clarify this and just share the line and the settings that are working for you.

dylanemcgregor 2010-03-02 16:14

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Apologies in that I've just skimmed this thread, but I'm trying to download some maps for a trip I'm taking tonight and am having trouble. I haven't used Maemo Mapper to download new maps in quite awhile (and never really got the hang of it in the first place), but from what I understand from this thread is that some of the URLs for the repositories have changed. This would explain why on Google Maps and VE I'm getting maps failed to download errors, but Open Street and Yahoo both still seem to work (in that I get no obvious errors) but I can't seem to download or view any maps (at any zoom level).

Would someone be able to walk me through downloading some maps for Barbados like I was 5?

Edit: I'm using an N800 if it matters.

shiroinazuma 2010-03-04 06:03

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
I'm just wondering if someone could be so kind as to tell if this web sites maps will work with Maemo Mapper. If yes could you tell me how to or convert to use with this program.

Thanks in Advance..

yenice 2010-03-10 10:35

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Thanks SpeedMartini, I solved my map download problem with your clear instructions :D.

I also (just started today ) use N800 with Holux M-1000 bluetooth GPS receiver.


Originally Posted by speedmartini (Post 544098)

The (Google Street) URL that worked for me is as post #257:

That goes in the "URL Format" line in the Google Street repository from "Manage Repositories"

This isn't an error with Maemo Mapper, as previously noted (I don't want to take credit for figuring this out), Google changed their URL's so we just needed to match that to connect to the repositories. This was the reason my maps "failed to download"


The best place for all things Maemo Mapper is:

Note I'm using an N800 with an external GPS so some of the 810 stuff doesn't apply to me.


Note the program was last updated for OS2008, so I have no idea how it'd work on the N900

rsl360 2010-03-13 04:25

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

I'm just wondering if someone could be so kind as to tell if this web sites maps will work with Maemo Mapper. If yes could you tell me how to or convert to use with this program.
I don't have the answer, but I'll second your request. I've looked all over but I cannot find a good summary of how to convert various maps to the correct uri format. I know that %d, %0d, z/zoom and some other stuff is involved. I get the basic idea. I've read the source code to try to figure it out, but to no avail. (I'm not much with C) My goal is to get into my N800.


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