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Anto 2013-11-27 15:10

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
User guide added

Z3R0 2013-11-27 15:25

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Jolla Sales Launch at DNA pop-up store Narinkkantori - Live

DeeGee 2013-11-27 15:28

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
Too bad it's probably streamed over very congested 3G network...

nodevel 2013-11-27 16:01

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
Universal copy&paste is in place!

You select any text and the selected text appears above the top row of the virtual keyboard. Then when you go to another app, it is still on the virtual keyboard and you can paste it there.

Pretty cool is you don't need to click 'Copy' in order to copy it, but I am worried that you can easily lose your clipboard content by selecting a text.

PS: I'm not in Helsinki, I just saw it on the live stream :)

Kabouik 2013-11-27 16:16

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Some interestings bits in there.

OVK 2013-11-27 16:23

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1389418)

Some interestings bits in there.

Just quickly went through it and some details seem a bit vague. For example there seems to be no mention of which email protocols are supported. Is there Exchange support (and specifically for more than one Exchange account)? This is something that I definately will be needing.

xanderx 2013-11-27 16:24

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 1389315)
New video from Jolla.
Jolla - A new beginning (Official)

Once more, where is the web browser? Is there such thing at all?

jalyst 2013-11-27 16:30

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
What is all that crap in your sig?
(it's almost as bad as Dave's)

tissot 2013-11-27 16:34

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by xanderx (Post 1389423)
Once more, where is the web browser? Is there such thing at all?

I do fear that web browser possibly being weakest link on those basic features. The very little we saw it looked bad, and the silence from Jolla on that browser does seem to point to that.

If you can watch the video outside Finland, there's a long hands-on video going on. Might be towards end now.

Rauha 2013-11-27 16:36

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
The yellow text on white background on the quick user guide is making me blind.

It's the the worst yellow-white idea since eating yellow snow.

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