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ggabriel 2013-11-27 17:51

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by late88 (Post 1389491)
I have got it like 5 minutes :) maybe when I get back home.

congratulations by the way, and looking forward to your thoughts! Good or bad!

Thoke 2013-11-27 17:54

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1389525)
They've got zero chance to get traction of they don't have a compelling TOH story to sell, that was their only "ace", without it they simply aren't compelling enough.
Unique UX is nowhere near enough, & they can't even really claim to be "more open" (in some respects at least)...

Well, opinions are opinions and I respect yours, but I still beg to disagree :). I think they've got a chance and will be also compelling in oteher aspects if not in TOH aspect (currently). :)

eekkelund 2013-11-27 17:57

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
1 Attachment(s)
The Other Half

E. I took the pic from here Haha just box! :D

xanderx 2013-11-27 17:58

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
"And how do they call Other Half?"
"Other Half is Other Half, but they call it Le Other Half."

jalyst 2013-11-27 17:59

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by Thoke (Post 1389529)
Well, opinions are opinions, and I respect yours, but I still beg to disagree :). I think they've got a chance and will be also compelling in oteher aspects if not in TOH aspect (currently) :)

You're entitled to believe they'll still be successful, I highly doubt they can without some strong/compelling differentiators, they don't have them yet, far from it sadly.
To be clearer, I'm sure I'Il find many aspects that are compelling "to me", but they're not the same things that will result in mainstream success "longer-term".

xanderx 2013-11-27 18:01

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by eekkelund (Post 1389533)
The Other Half

Where is the cam hole?

praveenchand 2013-11-27 18:02

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by late88 (Post 1389484)
Am I the first one on TMO? Proud owner of new Jolla phone :)

share your #unlike experience :)

biatch0 2013-11-27 18:04

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
Just wondering if anyone knows the exact weight of the entire box including the phone so I can figure out how much Fedex/DHL is going to rape me for?

Rauha 2013-11-27 18:27

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
First short & quick review article from Helsingin Sanomat.

Positive: Fast browser, good multitasking, light (weight), Other Half, new fresh OS, and they really like the look and industrial design.

Negative: No zoom in camera, horizontal use only in camera mode, touch controls buggy on web browser.

Those negatives are really suprising. Wonder if its a.) idiot journalist or b.) the OS more of a beta than I thought.

ggabriel 2013-11-27 18:29

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
The manual clearly states that you can take pictures both in portrait and landscape mode.

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