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*Sonic* 2010-07-12 15:05

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by vincent333 (Post 749014)

when i do

bzcat /home/user/MyDocs/NITDroid-N900-0.0.5-3-BIG.tbz2 | tar xvf -

it starts the extraction and then at the end it says "tar: write error: read-only file system". I looked through the /and folder to see what it had extracted and it did extract over half of the contents but it doesnt extract everything for the system folder like bin and other things. ive tried many times and restarted many times but still get the same error.

Does any one know what the problem is


I had this and what you need to do is unmount the sd card and re-mount it again

umount /and

mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and

I think the above commands are correct, but double check on the install instructions

it worked fine after that

I just cant use this version of Android as I get too many process errors for it to be useable and the previous version that worked great didnt have working wireless

So im sort of tuck now until another build comes out

unclepecos 2010-07-12 16:22

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
Was up arrow for home button working in earlier releases? I've seen a few posts in this thread and the help thread about it being missing on the latest release. It is definitely not working for me.

jaguilar 2010-07-12 16:31

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by Airtux (Post 749115)
Hello, i have a question, it's possible to run call phone wiht Nitdroid?
The 3D acceleration is enable?
The accelerometre is enable?


Originally Posted by Airtux (Post 749115)
For when is the final version released?

It will be released when it is ready!

ArchiMark 2010-07-12 16:45

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by unclepecos (Post 749362)
Was up arrow for home button working in earlier releases? I've seen a few posts in this thread and the help thread about it being missing on the latest release. It is definitely not working for me.

FWIW, I wouldn't say that it's missing in latest release, at least for me...

However, what I'd say is that it works intermittently, which is frustrating at times.....

HellFlyer 2010-07-12 18:48

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
Amazing work, when phone compatibility is ready I will install it!

geneven 2010-07-12 19:04

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by bewrong (Post 748617)
@Descalzo thanks for the feedback just wanted to know what i'm gonna dive into first, i just got the phone for less than a month.

what are the perks of running android on n900 or is it just a cool trick? definitely using android apps and games is one of them

At this stage, in my opinion it's just a cool trick. It looks like it will be a real option soon, I hope. I have a feeling it's not in my personal future as a maemo replacement, though.

nikul.padhya 2010-07-12 19:13

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Thank for you work.

I Just installed NITDroid on my N900. Works good. Able to setup wi-fi. Connected to Google account and able to sync my Cal, and Contatcs. Able to login to Gtalk and Chat with my buddy.

Let me know if anyone needs any testing of NITDroid with N900.
I have one ready with NITDroid.

fergusso 2010-07-12 19:22

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
when I am using the market, it asks you to sign in to your gmail account, when I do it gives back an error: can't connect to gmail servers etc. tried to reflash Nitdroid, repartition and did the same steps but still the same. I was able to use it though 2 days ago. I have good internet I can browse with my Nitdroid browser. anyone encountered the same problem?

gtessier00 2010-07-12 19:25

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
Hey everybody
I have a few questions, sorry if they already got answered!!!
1. I have a 8gb microsd with debian installed on it, if I install nitdroid on it, will it format everything on my card? Or can I keep debian?
2. Will maemo stay untouched on my N900? I mean... Can I boot on nitdroid or maemo, whichever I choose?
3. Is nitdroid as fast as maemo?

Thanks in advance :)

dubzii 2010-07-12 20:01

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by gtessier00 (Post 749554)
Hey everybody
I have a few questions, sorry if they already got answered!!!
1. I have a 8gb microsd with debian installed on it, if I install nitdroid on it, will it format everything on my card? Or can I keep debian?
2. Will maemo stay untouched on my N900? I mean... Can I boot on nitdroid or maemo, whichever I choose?
3. Is nitdroid as fast as maemo?

Thanks in advance :)

1. It should be possible, if you put the easydebian .img file on the FAT32 partition you'll create during the NITDroid installation (be sure to save a back-up though!)
2. Yes sir. The multiboot application allows you to choose your OS of choice everytime you start your phone, just like dual-boot on a PC.
3. Not (yet?). Especially the menus are a lot slower. But i think the browser is already much faster than MicroB (the maemo browser).

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