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Stskeeps 2009-06-10 16:45

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bezeen (Post 295341)
Then it could be okey. Midori is the web browser.
GPE is small apps for handhelds (filemanager, calender, todo)

and you have more apps that you can install...

Even if Application Manager doesn't show it, you have 95% of Ubuntu.. (did I say this already), with sudo apt-get install package-name (see

bjkel 2009-06-10 16:58

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bezeen (Post 295336)
If you used the Starq7 0.13 mer firmware - you should try to install with the firmware named to SmartQ5 (have both "SmartQ5 and SmartQ7" on)

If the chinese writings ends with a
you should reset and try again (rename firmware?) the chinese should end with

Red light - hold down menu/select and push reset button (with the charger plug in)

Worked a charm!

Greatly appreciated, was starting to feel trapped. :)

Stskeeps 2009-06-10 18:18

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Reason why you people are having trouble with SmartQ5/7: I use the Q5 initramfs in Q7 image, which obviously looks for SmartQ5.

maceu 2009-06-10 18:55

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
ok its working again...dont know exactly what i did but i did try the issues suggested here multiple times and eventually something worked.

So its back to the default state right now.

Thanks Stskeeps and Bezeen for your input.

Will give the flashing another go now that i have a bit more confidence!

celtica96 2009-06-10 20:33

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bjkel (Post 295277)
I am having a similar problem. Except I flashed Mer ok but now it seems I'm stuck with it.

When I try to go back to the original firmware it hangs with the chinese writing. But when I give it up and reboot I still have Mer.

Tried the sd update tool with no joy.

I'm following in your footsteps.:D

Bezeen's post above helped me reinstall the Chinese firmware but I'm still working on the language issue.

I did not have success trying to follow the procedures here:

Eletroworld provides the link for its English language pack here:

I have the unpacked the Eletroworld RAR file (language-pack-en-base.deb and language-pack-en.deb) to the SmartQ 7 Chinese desktop but I'm gun shy about going further.

I do have a request in to e World for help but Alex has not uploaded his guide because of problems with his netbook.

Were you able to reinstall the English language pack?

If so, would you mind posting your steps?

If anyone else knows, please reply, too.


bezeen 2009-06-10 21:05

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by celtica96 (Post 295418)
I'm following in your footsteps.:D

Bezeen's post above helped me reinstall the Chinese firmware but I'm still working on the language issue.

I did not have success trying to follow the procedures here:

Eletroworld provides the link for its English language pack here:

I have the unpacked the Eletroworld RAR file (language-pack-en-base.deb and language-pack-en.deb) to the SmartQ 7 Chinese desktop but I'm gun shy about going further.

I do have a request in to e World for help but Alex has not uploaded his guide because of problems with his netbook.

Were you able to reinstall the English language pack?

If so, would you mind posting your steps?

If anyone else knows, please reply, too.


just download SmartQ7 v3.0 it has a English choice in install

celtica96 2009-06-10 21:17

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bezeen (Post 295426)
before picture 3 you have a hidden text - but just go to /etc/default open as root (pic 1) edit locale as in pic 3 -> zh_CN to en_US - save, reboot

I'm in /etc/default and tried to open /etc/default/locale as root and I get an error message--"Failed to run pcmanfm --no-desktop '/etc/default' as user root." Then, text in Chinese with the English word Xauthorization and a Cancel button.

It would help if I knew Linux, but I'm not sure where to go from here.:eek:

If I just tap once on the file, locale, it opens in Leafpad and I get what is shown in Pic 3 on the above site.

Do I edit it and save as:


Let me know and thanks for your help.

celtica96 2009-06-10 21:43

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by celtica96 (Post 295430)
I'm in /etc/default and tried to open /etc/default/locale as root and I get an error message--"Failed to run pcmanfm --no-desktop '/etc/default' as user root." Then, text in Chinese with the English word Xauthorization and a Cancel button.

It would help if I knew Linux, but I'm not sure where to go from here.:eek:

If I just tap once on the file, locale, it opens in Leafpad and I get what is shown in Pic 3 on the above site.

Do I edit it and save as:


Let me know and thanks for your help.

It looks like the above syntax is correct but my problem is that the Chinese firmware has locked me out from using Root.

Does anyone have a suggestion?

As I don't know Ubuntu/Linux, my guess is that I need to find out what the Root password is and assign myself the needed privileges to make the above change to Locale.

celtica96 2009-06-10 22:29

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Success (but I'm not sure I could duplicate it).:confused:

I went here to read up on Ubuntu and sudoroot:

I ran the following command from the Chinese Run prompt:
"sudo passwd root" with the password being something easy to remember.

I also issued a "sulogin passwd root" command from the Run dialog box.

Then, I restarted the Q7 and tried opening the Locale file again as Root.

This time it worked! I made my edits, saved the file, closed all open windows, and pressed the reset button.

The Q7 came back in English. Also, I have checked the file again and I am still able to open it " super user mode."

I hope this works for others in the same boat but your mileage may vary.:D

rogue_ronin 2009-06-11 03:58

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Somebody care to make me clear on this?

I keep getting the Chinese message + ! (ie: some sort of failure.)

What I've done:

1) On a 1GB SD card (FAT 32), I've placed the mer-0.14testing2.SmartQ7 image.

2) Renamed the image to SmartQ7.

3) Placed into device. While device is off, hold down Menu/Function button and plug in charger. Device shows orange LED (for firmware flash mode, I assume.)

4) I get the "!" message.

5) Remove SD card, rename image to SmartQ5 on my laptop.

6) Repeat (3) above.

7) I get the "!" message.

I'm currently downloading the v2.0 Chinese firmware. I'll try it with that, but the download will take about 4 hours...

I'm doing this from a Xubuntu Linux machine -- could the FAT formatting on the SD card be wrong somehow? I suppose I could have a wonky SD reader in the device...

Do I need to use the SDUpdateTool on the image first?

Thanks for any pointers,

m a r

ps: just trying to get this thing up again -- borked my xorg.conf and it won't boot... any OS will do at this point...

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