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mad_nassos 2010-04-02 17:32

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by LES.. (Post 395392)
Give this a go:
I have just tested it and it is working for me, please not that this is just the satellite imagery, it does not include an overlay of roads or labels.

For me this works but with a 58 instead of 49. :confused:

By the way, I found that by right clicking in google maps using Opera browser and checking "Image properties".
The guy who found this solution is the best!!

Can I ask something stupid? Couldn't we ask google to provide us the new URLs when they change?? :rolleyes:
We are very lucky that some people like LES spent their time to find the solution to this problem...
I'm still using the URL he gave one year ago (post 176) and I am afraid to try change it with something new.... :o

wartstew 2010-04-02 19:49

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Does anyone know the current way to get Google Labels layer to work on their satellite and terrain maps?

wartstew 2010-04-10 04:04

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Terraserver-usa stopped working. Did the website change and it is now msrmaps?

assetburned 2010-04-17 20:51

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
hmm I tried to add the Repositories from the first posting in here, but it looks like something went wrong.
except the i can't use any of the sources I've tested.

are there maybe some other things then just adding the URLs, that I have to do?
is there maybe a full list of settings in a wiki?

skywalker_world 2010-04-19 05:50

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Thanks Spooley, I have got my google map works!!!


Originally Posted by spooley (Post 544214)
I don't see any evidence of anyone actively working on Maemo Mapper (particularly the N900 version), so I don't expect a better version to appear any time soon.

With the N900 version of Maemo-Mapper (sorry, can't give the version no. as the About... menu entry displays nothing), the default, OpenStreet map repository, worked well.

Download Sample Repositories... installed several working map repositories, but Google Maps (the one I particularly wanted) was broken. I deleted the installed repositories and re-created Google Maps (see below) and now have a setup, on my N900, with working OpenStreet and Google maps.

Changing between map repositories does not seem to automatically re-draw the current map with the new map, but zooming causes a redraw to the new map.

My working Manage Repositories settings are as follows:


URL format=
  Cache DB=OpenStreetMap
Download Zoom Steps=XX__    _ Double...
    View Zoom Steps=X___    X Next-a-...
Downloadable Zooms:Min=4  Max=20

Google Maps

URL format=
  Cache DB=Google Maps
Download Zoom Steps=XX__    _ Double...
    View Zoom Steps=X___    X Next-a-...
Downloadable Zooms:Min=4  Max=20


munky261 2010-05-29 02:41

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Why cant I download any repositories in maemo mapper? It's giving an error saying the web service may be down.....have never seen it do this in all the years Ive used it.

burbie 2010-05-29 13:24

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Mapa Polski, UMP-pcPL, i.e. a decent open map of Poland
Free of charge, CC license

repo at

I tested it with mapper 2.6.2 on a N800. It would be nice if someone could report usability with more recent hw/sw versions.


tomaz 2010-06-13 08:08

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
hello ,

anyone has any idea how to look for url - tiles on this site or how to add in to repository?

thank you for any hint ...


foxdanger 2010-07-15 14:10

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Google Maps (street)

Google Maps (street) (alternative)

So, when google change this adress, how can i know (find) the new address for myself? How U know this address? How u guys find it?


foxdanger 2010-07-19 03:16

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
No one knows how to find this adress????

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