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Dave999 2013-08-10 13:57

Re: Ubuntu Edge
Lets take a survey ...

Dave999 2013-08-10 16:03

Re: Ubuntu Edge
If canonical don't have anything revolutionary planned for this campaign we don't reach the $32 millions and the money goes back to us, the funders. If jolla management were smart, they should launch a 24-48 h campaign with paypal after the ubuntu campaign ends. people would have lots of "free" money if jolla created a great package together with the device and promote it in a smart way, I'm sure they could easily get a few thousand devices sold.

If Jolla can't handle it they can contact me to do it.

In the mean time, join the Ubuntu edge campaign with the first real pocket potable computer. This is not a regular smartphone. This device is about PERFORMANCE. If you regular mobile is a family car, This is a Ferrari F1. You will probably miss some of your features from your family car, but when you push the pedal to the metal you will forget about that. This is pure power and this takes the thinking of n900 even further:

railroadmaster 2013-08-11 02:55

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1366216)
its not that simple to get manufactors to release open drivers or specs.

If that ubuntu phone releases full open source its probadly X86 HW only because Intel is the only company who may have open GFX drivers...

edit: whoops I guess thats why they name it edge:

That means Canonical also will include a fan for free to your ubuntu phone ;)

I never argued that device makers will make fully open drivers. I argued that if Ubuntu on phones becomes popular that "native" drivers will come. Drivers can be native and closed as they currently are on x86 Linux. Currently Tizen, Ubuntu Touch, and Sailfish use libhybris to leverage Android drivers. Native drivers would perform better. On the issue of open source drivers those will come when manufacturers realize that communites can do much of the work for you of creating drivers and open drivers open new markets.

RobbieThe1st 2013-08-11 04:06

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1366320)
I never argued that device makers will make fully open drivers. I argued that if Ubuntu on phones becomes popular that "native" drivers will come. Drivers can be native and closed as they currently are on x86 Linux. Currently Tizen, Ubuntu Touch, and Sailfish use libhybris to leverage Android drivers. Native drivers would perform better. On the issue of open source drivers those will come when manufacturers realize that communites can do much of the work for you of creating drivers and open drivers open new markets.

That being said, we need at least 'semi-open' drivers(Not sure the correct term here) like Nvidia does on the desktop: Closed userspace blob, open kernel module. This means we can always patch/tweak the module to make it work on newer kernels etc.

Ariadeno 2013-08-11 09:38

Re: Ubuntu Edge
They lowered the price again.

The price is now $695.

mikecomputing 2013-08-11 10:02

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1366320)
I never argued that device makers will make fully open drivers. I argued that if Ubuntu on phones becomes popular that "native" drivers will come. Drivers can be native and closed as they currently are on x86 Linux. Currently Tizen, Ubuntu Touch, and Sailfish use libhybris to leverage Android drivers. Native drivers would perform better. On the issue of open source drivers those will come when manufacturers realize that communites can do much of the work for you of creating drivers and open drivers open new markets.

manufactors does not care about community its bussines as usual those paying get the specs or binary blobs.

in this case microsoft, apple and google means the big players with lot of cash.

Dave999 2013-08-12 11:22

Re: Ubuntu Edge
Would be cool if jolla and canonical could join up and sell a bundle with two devices, one jolla and one Ubuntu Edge for a great price. Let's say $1000.

Two great things become one SUPER thing. The linux-bundle deluxe! :D

That would get them an edge against android and ios and get more devices out on the market.

Akkumaru 2013-08-12 14:45

And instead of the edge dual booting android, it should boot sailfish (can run android ) then hardware modified to have the other half :p

pichlo 2013-08-12 15:13

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1366645)
Would be cool if jolla and canonical could join up and sell a bundle with two devices, one jolla and one Ubuntu Edge for a great price. Let's say $1000.

And who, pray tell, will buy it? You and...?

People generally spend that much money when they need to. Who on earth needs two new phones?

Dave999 2013-08-12 15:21

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1366711)
And who, pray tell, will buy it? You and...?

People generally spend that much money when they need to. Who on earth needs two new phones?

Me and lots of others, sometimes buy up to four new devices per year. Also the, jolla will be released half a year before the ubuntu edge. while jolla is a smartphone, Ubuntu is a mobile computer so it's a great mix.

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