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Dave999 2013-11-30 07:59

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by Kaacz (Post 1390441)
[Dave999] IMHO Jolla now have standard minimal batch of devices = 100 000 .
50000 for first wave (maybe 20000 is EU now shiped, rest is to world), 50000 for second Finish wave.
When next batch in next year will be one milion ? God know ..

And .. "this month" have in real only 4 days! from start. See you point? :)

Have you seen photo with persons flashing first devices? This is slow, laborious and expensive process. This is not exist in big production batch. Device is flashed in factory. And next year Jolla will to have better firmware for new devices.

This million devices will be make, packed and sell in China .. by largest mobile provider. Absolutely different case ..

I think you are way to optimistic with the numbers. I leaning more to a figure around 100 000 this year given that no external player adopt sail. So far there are to many unknowns about Jolla. I hope Jolla sell lots of devices but with current plan. 100 000 in the first to batches is totally up in the blue...

DeeGee 2013-11-30 09:55

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
CEO said in a finnish interview that they are hoping to sell little under 20k phones before end of the year, so pre-orders mostly. The first batch probably covers that.
And I guess there was talk of the 2nd production batch starting, I hope it's bigger. And in the interview he talked about 200k Jolla phones to be sold during the next year.
And then there's the target of 1mil Sailfish OS phones to be sold. So that pretty clearly means that they have some kind of deals about to happen.

Dave999 2013-11-30 10:03

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
It could also be that the lower the price 250 euro.

mikecomputing 2013-11-30 10:53

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by Kaacz (Post 1390441)
[Dave999] IMHO Jolla now have standard minimal batch of devices = 100 000 .
50000 for first wave (maybe 20000 is EU now shiped, rest is to world), 50000 for second Finish wave.
When next batch in next year will be one milion ? God know ..

Well I think 20 000 devices is what they expect to sell based on preorders in may/september. Not what they have actually sold, remember preorder is not mean all do full order. I Think the communiy have misunderstand that statement. Also 20 000 means december not this month as november.

Btw. AFAIK there is only around 4000 devices sold so far (if those order numbers is begin at 1). But hopefully this spoeedups as soon as people get they'r devices and show it for friends etc... hopefully reach that 20 000 devices that they hope for this year.

But 1 million devices next year? I really doubt... They should be happy if they reach 10% of that.. But first they need to convince operators in northeurope and UK and get device out in China as expected(not much talk about that lately)... then they may have slighly chance.

They really need back from the operators in EU now so if you want Jolla its really is time for us start ask the damn operators in our countrys.

gerbick 2013-11-30 11:06

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
1 million devices in one year? Possible if they blanket China and the EU. North America will not add to that amount in any significant form unless they go the ZTE route and sell on eBay or get an Amazon partnership going on.

But even then, the lack of marketing and lack of carrier integration - face it, North America is a strange as heck market due to the subsidies and how an unlocked phone generally isn't seen as a benefit here - will be a hindrance to them here.

Japan is probably off-limits, Apple has grown to be 75%+ of the sales there. China, once folks understand they can add any Android app store they like to it (flashing devices is en vogue there) it might take off and if they capitalize on their deal with (I forgot the name, can't be arsed to locate it now) they'll make it easily.

All my opinion, btw. And sadly, I say that as a person in the North American market...

Here's to hoping they make it. Would be nice to see this happen one way or another for Jolla.

ggabriel 2013-11-30 11:22

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1391063)
Btw. AFAIK there is only around 4000 devices sold so far (if those order numbers is begin at 1). But hopefully this spoeedups as soon as people get they'r devices and show it for friends etc... hopefully reach that 20 000 devices that they hope for this year.

I wouldn't estimate the number of sold devices by order numbers, as you may have more than one device in a few orders, some orders may be cancelled, etc..

Wasn't the message that they were shipping 20k devices in December only? That's the favourite PR message anyway, ship != sell.

Now, if you add up what's been ordered already and what DNA is stocking, maybe reaching 20k until end of 2013 is easy. Also bear in mind that they haven't even started selling the device openly online to the rest of Europe. Some of the reviews out there don't help a lot, but I reckon anybody who got addicted to the N9's UX will find The Jolla compelling.

rcolistete 2013-11-30 21:26

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1389345)
I'm sure some people will disagree with you. There are several dimensions around the "pretty soon". Think for example of the folks outside the supported countries.

No smartphone maker launches their products in all countries at the same time. It is usual to have months between regions or countries, when Apple, Samsung, LG, Motorola, Nokia, etc, launches their devices.And some popular smartphones are not available at all in many countries.

So, why people expect Jolla, with 90 workers, can beat the sales logistics of multi-billion smartphone makers ?

ggabriel 2013-11-30 21:42

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
rcolistete: not sure why you quote me. My point was very different and I agree with what you say anyway.

mariusmssj 2013-12-01 08:47

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
A ‪#‎Jolla‬ Unboxing, by Co-Founder Sami Pienimäki, at the London Press Event held on Friday 29/11/2013 [VIDEO]

xanderx 2013-12-01 09:33

Re: #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement
Looks like the guy is on a school's exam.

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