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dj_steve 2010-07-13 20:36

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by mr_bridger (Post 750736)
another quick question. i seem to have lost a big chunk of rootfs. is the boot menu stored there?

about 10-20mb ? yes its the extra kernel modules needed

stobbsc 2010-07-14 07:06

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by knopow (Post 748176)
use the global version.

maxximuscool & knopow I've tried this flashing method and at each command that I run I get an error in the windows cmd Flasher window saying compatible USB device not found then it just sits their and says waiting :-(

any advice from here?

stobbsc 2010-07-14 07:08

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
OMG OMG my phone just reboot and is actually working now :-) thank God.

Now if someone could tell me how to reset it back to the golabl versaion and remove the NITDroid.
Do I need to follow the flasher method or can I just reset it direct form the phone?


DJRedline 2010-07-14 07:51

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 751185)
OMG OMG my phone just reboot and is actually working now :-) thank God.

Now if someone could tell me how to reset it back to the golabl versaion and remove the NITDroid.
Do I need to follow the flasher method or can I just reset it direct form the phone?


Uninstall Bootmenu
Format SD Card
Use flasher to disable RD mode
Use flasher to reinstall PR1.2 (May not be necessary, but i did this anyway)

stobbsc 2010-07-14 08:25

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by DJRedline (Post 751206)
Uninstall Bootmenu
Format SD Card
Use flasher to disable RD mode
Use flasher to reinstall PR1.2 (May not be necessary, but i did this anyway)

Awesome thanks I'll get on this now.
Quick one, how do I turn off RD mode?

dubzii 2010-07-14 08:46

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
It used to be on the wiki: "flasher-3.5 --disable-rd-mode".

Hmoobwarrior 2010-07-14 09:27

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
jw isnt the motorola droid using the same ti arm processor as the n900 is there a way to install kernels n dependecy from that phone and put it on n900? i could be off base here but that seem easier

dj_steve 2010-07-14 09:29

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
yep most of the droid/milestones critical files are encrypted by moto and its only eclair based also

Hmoobwarrior 2010-07-14 16:39

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
Is having root access the same thing as being able to get the dependecies needed to make it work on n900? or is that just giving us the abilite to use the android os, but the actually kernel's to use it correctly on the n900. I believe the droid also has the unofficial 2.2 os now. according to this site. Droid unofficial 2.2 update for rooted droids sorry if i am asking stupid questions jsut curious about the whole process of this. And eager to see a fully working Nitdroid900 :P

Laughing Man 2010-07-14 16:55

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
No, root access is like admin access. The problem with just using Milestone drivers is those drivers are encrypted. Kinda like the equivalent of Nokia's closed source drivers for some of the N900 parts.

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