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nieldk 2014-04-07 09:13

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by kimmoli (Post 1420223)
First define "longer period" ?

Display should turn off when inserted to pocket, but it should wake up when proximity is cleared - does this work with "shorter periods" in your pocket?

Do you have leather pants? :cool: Noticed that the proximity sensor has difficulties to detect black leather...

Have you tried to systemctl restart toholed.service ?

Can you provide me some journals via email ?

Well, the restart seems to not do it when this happens.
And by 'longer period', I mean hours. It works quite well under normal circumstances (eg not in pocket) - but staying in the pocket for hours - not up - makes it not reactivate the display.
Not a major issue at all, so dont prioritize it :)
Just me I think, being on planes for the last weeks almost constantly LOL

kimmoli 2014-04-07 10:48

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1420226)
Well, the restart seems to not do it when this happens.

Next time, try following;
systemctl stop toholed.service
Remove toholed for 1 minute and reconnect
systemctl start toholed.service


Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1420226)
Not a major issue at all, so dont prioritize it :)

For me this is matter of life and death :eek:

I was thinking could this be caused by hardware connection break between toh and phone, which might get the proximity sensor to reset, and thus loose configuration (and it will not generate interrupt from proximity clear and therefore not wakeup the display), but restart should reconfigure it. Unless the display controller itself gets so messed up that it refuses to show anything.

Updated HW has better reset circuitry, and i have to make some detections to the daemon to see is the display and proximity/ALS sensor still in good mood.

(And repeating me - journal could be very helpful)

nieldk 2014-04-07 11:05

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by kimmoli (Post 1420235)
Next time, try following;
systemctl stop toholed.service
Remove toholed for 1 minute and reconnect
systemctl start toholed.service

For me this is matter of life and death :eek:

I was thinking could this be caused by hardware connection break between toh and phone, which might get the proximity sensor to reset, and thus loose configuration (and it will not generate interrupt from proximity clear and therefore not wakeup the display), but restart should reconfigure it. Unless the display controller itself gets so messed up that it refuses to show anything.

Updated HW has better reset circuitry, and i have to make some detections to the daemon to see is the display and proximity/ALS sensor still in good mood.

(And repeating me - journal could be very helpful)

Sure, I will provide the journeyctl output next time it happens (didnt happen today so far) - at the moment the journey log is quite short as for toholed.


Apr 07 11:50:56 localhost toholed[1060]: Interrupt: Proximity cleared:      ALS
Apr 07 11:51:01 localhost toholed[1060]: Time now: 11:51 Battery: 83%
Apr 07 11:51:29 localhost toholed[1060]: Interrupt: Proximity detect:      ALS
Apr 07 11:51:29 localhost toholed[1060]: Interrupt: Proximity cleared:      ALS
Apr 07 11:51:31 localhost toholed[1060]: Interrupt: Proximity detect:      ALS

nieldk 2014-04-07 18:14

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by kimmoli (Post 1420235)
(And repeating me - journal could be very helpful)

Complete, verbose log mailed :)
Also, stopping and then starting the service does the trick. Didnt need to remove TOH

kimmoli 2014-04-07 18:31

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
ok. thanks for the very verbose log... (just plain journal is enough...)


In the log you sent me there is no single proximity interrupt...
Even after the restart there is none.

Does the display blank when you place finger over the sensor on right side of the oled, and come back active when removing?
Note, it works better if phone is active, not so well when it sleeps.

I'll add some more diagnostics tomorrow evening.

nieldk 2014-04-07 18:35

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
yes, proximity is working good

carmenluci 2014-04-29 07:24

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
I like this TOH, it's very nice! How can I get one?

kimmoli 2014-04-30 06:12

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Any feedback from first-ones ? It has been akwardly silent ...

Bundyo 2014-04-30 11:33

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
Mine has been working great, except the refresh rate :( Is there absolutely no way this to be fixed/avoided/worked around? :) Other than that, I had a bit of a release lately and will try to give more feedback during the next 6 holidays here (they start tomorrow).

One problem was a clash between toholed and tohkbd which resulted in a huge memory leak just after restart (in toholed) and Jolla dying in several minutes. Quick work with Terminal and managed to deinstall tohkbd to avoid it.

kimmoli 2014-04-30 11:48

Re: [WIP] Jolla OtherHalf OLED display

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 1423472)
Mine has been working great, except the refresh rate :( Is there absolutely no way this to be fixed/avoided/worked around? :)

I haven't found anything that would improve it.
Possible to do this is redesign hardware to use 3.3V for the display logic, and extrernal I2C level converter - If the internal oscillator has some relation to supply voltage.


Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 1423472)
... during the next 6 holidays here (they start tomorrow).

happy holidays!


Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 1423472)
One problem was a clash between toholed and tohkbd which resulted in a huge memory leak just after restart (in toholed) and Jolla dying in several minutes. Quick work with Terminal and managed to deinstall tohkbd to avoid it.

Yep. I'm author of both softwares, and i have some plans to detect what is connected - it would be easier if dirkvl would have put eeprom on the tohkbd. Now seems that i have to make some detection to NFC side, and it seems that i have to store all TOH ID's in the daemons - which sux. Unless those TOH ID's are registered through Jolla, and i get some "name" through the store or something.

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