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abranson 2016-04-12 07:56

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by ruff (Post 1503305)
value("true").toInt() == 1

I was just a little bit sick in my mouth :)

Can you replicate that? Everyone seems to be getting a 0 there, including me, but stupidly I didn't notice before because I'd repaired my watch and so had a fresh file. I assumed that converting it directly to an int would return 0 for any string that wouldn't parse as an int, for the sake of the children. I've added a bit of a dirty hack to skip the parsing and return Enabled when the value is "true", but I'd remove it if I could.

ruff 2016-04-12 10:01

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1503355)
I assumed that converting it directly to an int would return 0 for any string that wouldn't parse as an int, for the sake of the children.

Now that I think of it - it seems to me it was a result of partial code migration. I.e. since I've not changed the type in all places yet to int - metatype was set to bool, and boolean conversion resulted to true=>1. While doing end-to-end test I spotted that one call was still using bool - I was unable to change value to always-enabled from gui ( or rather i was able but returned update signal carried 1 instead of 2 even though 2 was set). so when I fixed that to int my config was already saved as integers with true replaced by 1 and subsequent cleanup didn't affect that.

abranson 2016-04-12 10:03

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Ok, I'll leave that in then. It won't do any hard. The icon thing is bugging me so I'm trying to store the notif icons as they come in. Just putting off solving the phone call end segfault...

taixzo 2016-04-12 14:25

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
It seems there's no way to disable an "ongoing" Android system notification? Like, when the Play store is updating apps, it puts up a notification saying "Updating gmail" or whatever, and if I close that on the Pebble it re-opens in ten seconds or so.This effectively makes the rest of the Pebble useless until apps are done updating.

abranson 2016-04-12 17:07

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1503381)
It seems there's no way to disable an "ongoing" Android system notification? Like, when the Play store is updating apps, it puts up a notification saying "Updating gmail" or whatever, and if I close that on the Pebble it re-opens in ten seconds or so.This effectively makes the rest of the Pebble useless until apps are done updating.

This has been a problem since Pebbled, what do the official apps do in these situations?

HtheB 2016-04-14 13:14

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Is there a way to receive notifications after getting the first one?
Because it stops receiving notifications after the first one, untill I open the app (Skype for example)
I wish there was an option to receive all messages without this limitation

Edit: The problem is: It shows the messages on the notifications of the phone, but not as a NEW notification. It replaces the old one, which is probably the problem why Rockpool does not detect it :(

abranson 2016-04-14 14:45

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
I'm rejigging the notification part a lot right now to support replacesId, and I don't think we're doing anything if the notification already exists so it doesn't get sent. I'd wondered when that would be the case, but you've just told me. Skype messages?

ruff 2016-04-14 18:24

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
While you're at it - can you also extend struct which is sent for notification filters to the client as well as the string used for id? The way it works now is a bit cumbersome - normalized name to be presented as a source_id (which it isn't actually) and then this stupid attempt to guess who the hell was that in the client.
I.e. I have now almost all filters set to some localized string (eg. Nachrichten) so if i switch locale all my filters become obsolete. Also the icon for the mail notification is now assigned if id contains @ - which would not be true for let say jabber.
While original messages contain proper info we need:

method call sender=:1.35 -> dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications serial=2004 path=/org/freedesktop/Notifications; interface=org.freedesktop.Notifications; member=Notify
  string ""
  uint32 0
  string "image://theme/icon-m-service-generic-email"
  string "Project Turris"
  string "Password reset on"
  array [
      string "default"
      string ""
      string "app"
      string ""
  array [
      dict entry(
        string "x-nemo-remote-action-default"
        variant            string " /com/jolla/email/ui openMessage AAAAAgAAAAi6"

abranson 2016-04-14 18:30

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Did you pull my latest master? I'm already storing the icon from the notification. Source id from x-nemo-owner would make more sense though. I'll have a look at storing that alongside a separate friendly/locale specific name.

ruff 2016-04-14 18:50

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Not yet, still enchanting websockets to cast them to devconnection. let me rebase...

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