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DJames1 2008-01-26 17:26

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by didjit86 (Post 128120)
Yes, in GPE Calendar goto Tools-Calendars. Then click the edit icon (pencil and paper) and up pops data elements that need to be filled in. You will need to get the ICAL URL(only one I tried, others may work) for your calendar in google....

Thanks! I didn't realize that feature was there at all because of lack of documentation for GPE Calendar.

Looks like it supports a Publish/Subscribe model for calendars shared between Google Calendar and GPE Calendar on the N800. You can choose how often to refresh (although I suspect that, like event notifications, it doesn't work unless GPE Calendar is actually running). Or you can click the unlabeled Refresh icon in the Calendars window to refresh manually.

It's a bit of a pain to get that lengthy Google Calendar ICS url into the GPE Calendar url field. After a lengthy process of opening Google Calendar in the browser, getting to Manage Calendars, and displaying the ICS url, I managed to copy the url to Notes and then from there to the GPE Calendar url field.

sungrove 2008-01-26 17:35

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
How well does this built in sync system work? And what line do you put the ICS url into in that dialogue page? I've been using Erminig with good success to sync the GPE calendar with Google


DJames1 2008-01-26 18:00

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by sungrove (Post 134062)
How well does this built in sync system work? And what line do you put the ICS url into in that dialogue page?

Well, let's see, I'll test the Subscribe to my Google Calendar...

If I make some changes in my Google Calendar, then I open GPE Calendar on the N800...
Hmmm, looks like it synced automatically as soon as I opened it...
It seems to have picked up the new items from Google Calendar, and the changed items have changed...but the items deleted in Google Calendar are still there in GPE Calendar. Looks like deletes don't sync, at least in that direction.

I tried the Publish option, but no luck - it's not at all clear how it should work. If I give it my Google Calendar url, that's a read-only link to get information, not a means of inserting new information into the Google Calendar. (I tried it anyway, both with private and public addresses, ICAL and XML formats, and it just says 404 url not found when I try to sync). I could try adding a link to a public calendar in Google Calendars, but what url would I give it for my N800? The IP address?? In that case why would GPE Calendar need a url for a Publish calendar, and what url would that be? Needs documentation!!

Not sure what you're asking about where the ICS url goes - if you go to Tools - Calendars in GPE Calendar, click the document icon to create a new calendar, select Subcribe or Publish as the type instead of Local in the dropdown box, you'll see a url field. That's where the ICS url goes.

here.david 2008-01-27 04:09

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
After an hour trying different ways to get it to work...I am flying...cheers

abby_normal 2008-01-27 04:25

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
This definitely brings items entered in Google calendar into the tablet . . . but it does not seem to sync the other way (i.e., items entered on the tablet do not appear on Google calendar). That seems to be what "publish" is for, but I haven't found a way to get it working (i.e., I tried the things DJames1 has tried with similar lack of success). Are you getting 2-way syncing?

DJames1 2008-01-27 08:15

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Doing some background reading on this topic, I don't think there's any way to "publish" a GPE Calendar directly to Google Calendar. That's what Erminig is for - it acts as the intermediary. However, thanks to Google Calendar exporting a standard ics file to a url link, it's possible to connect it directly to a Subscribe link in GPE Calendar, and that serves the useful purpose of creating a one-way transfer with minimal work for a lot of people.

rock 2008-03-04 18:30

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Has anyone figured out how to use the GPE calendar built-in sync system with Yahoo Calendar?

DJames1 2008-03-04 19:31

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Yahoo Calendar --> GPE Calendar can only be done manually. I do it using Yahoo Calendar --> ical export file --> cleanup spreadsheet --> Google Calendar import --> Subscribe link in GPE Calendar.

There's no easy way to go the other way.

rock 2008-03-05 00:13

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
OK. Thanks

InfinityDevil 2008-05-13 23:46

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Ermining doesn't seem to be connecting to google, and if I put in the ical address on my calendar directly into GPE calendar it says it Cannot connect to destination.

With ermining I put in my credentials and nothing changes, so it doesn't enable the plus sign to add a new profile.

I have sharing on on the calendar. Any ideas?

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