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ArnimS 2008-05-27 02:55

Re: Apple ][ emulator (surely, I'm not the only one...)
hi Bob,

Thanks for the interest in the apple 2 emulator. I sympathize that it is frustrating to see works-in-progress without installers or menu launchers on ITT forums.

Nevertheless, questions such as 'how do i unpack a .tgz' or 'how do i run a linux program' are introductory linux topics not relevant to this emulator.

bobthebuilder 2008-05-27 14:44

Re: Apple ][ emulator (surely, I'm not the only one...)
I know how to unpack a .tgz, and I know how to run a linux program, I was just making sure there weren't special steps that I might of missed when I read through this thread. I have it working now. Thanks.

speculatrix 2009-01-09 22:37

Re: Apple ][ emulator (surely, I'm not the only one...)
I had an attack of nostalgia for my uk101, and came looking for 6502 emulators, and found this thread.

There don't seem to be too many 6502 emulators for linux, the only one I could find was this:
I am wondering how hard it would be to get it to run on the tablet and then extend it in some way!

danramos 2009-01-09 23:35

Re: Apple ][ emulator (surely, I'm not the only one...)
Aw man.. I'd LOVE to get some 650x emulations going.. Apple II+/c/e, Atari 400/800/XL/XE, Commodore VIC-20/64, etc. I'm more partial to my old Atari 8-bits but they were all grand in their own ways. Can't imagine it would be too difficult to emulate at around 400MHz on our tablets, though.

overfloat 2009-01-13 10:18

Re: Apple ][ emulator (surely, I'm not the only one...)
cant you run the dos version of oregon trail? - i used to play this game on my 286. i think the original dos version was released in 1990 - mine looked like this

Deluxe came out 2 years later and from what i see had all these fancy-pants vga graphics

donjnavarro 2010-05-11 16:24

Re: Apple ][ emulator (surely, I'm not the only one...)
So the emulator runs and all, but I can't get it to accept input? Anyone else have this problem and how did you solve it? I've pressed every combination on my n900 and nothing gets it to respond.

ArnimS 2010-05-19 08:58

Re: Apple ][ emulator (surely, I'm not the only one...)
There's some progress here - keyboard mapping is kind of working now. If anyone else is working on this, please let me know so we don't do redundant work. I will release something usable in the next couple or days, or feel free to verbally abuse me until i do. ;)

jschan 2010-05-22 00:09

Re: Apple ][ emulator (surely, I'm not the only one...)
Mmm, I'm interested in seeing this on the n900. I never did get a chance to play/finish any of the Ultimas past III, and I miss AutoDuel and Karateka.

I wonder if they still make APBA Baseball stat disks... :P

Thanks for all the hard work, ArnimS--I'm looking forward to seeing it working.

JohnLF 2010-05-22 11:42

Re: Apple ][ emulator (surely, I'm not the only one...)
Ooh just found this thread - I have been trying my best to port the KEGS Apple IIgs emulator to the N900 but am failing miserably - my programming skills are not at all what they once were.

Anyway, I can run the unmodified emulator on the SDK, and it starts up, but there is no way to select the boot disk as it uses PC keyboard function keys. My crude attempts at a hildon menu get me nowhere fast.

This would be the best emulator to choose, as it would give full Apple II compatibility as well as newer IIgs programs, including GS/OS 6.0.1, hypercard, and those fabulous demos from Ninjaforce etc. There was even a version of Wolfenstein 3D on the IIgs!

jschan 2010-05-30 23:32

Re: Apple ][ emulator (surely, I'm not the only one...)
I'm sure there's bound to be stuff that wasn't remade for the PC after the Apple days were over, but in looking around recently, I've found many of the retro games I was interested in seeing again were available for dos.

After some heavy playing around with dosbox, I was able to run a couple of titles I hadn't seen in forever such as Ultima I, Alter Ego, and Armor Alley (a remake of "Rescue Raiders" for the Apple ][).

Dosbox isn't for the faint of heart--there's a ton of annoying little configuration things you have to do to get everything functional depending on the game you want to play, but once it's done, you are pretty much good to go.

It was fun playing Rescue Raiders using a PS3 controller. Worked out pretty well as you can map all the important things you need to all the various buttons.

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