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mccake 2006-06-30 16:23

Anyone knows the steps to upgrade to 2006 OS with the previously released memory card extension hack? (swapping out files to SD card)

Milhouse 2006-06-30 16:24

According to my Squid proxy, the wizard initaited the following request when downloading the image:


fanoush 2006-06-30 16:24

firmware is downloaded to
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\fiasco.bin

While it is downloaded and flashing, one can copy this file elsewhere. It gets deleted after flashing is finished.

Bowie 2006-06-30 16:28

Would. Someone. Mind. Posting. A. Link. To. The. Image. Please.



NokNok770 2006-06-30 16:28

Whatever you do, don't flash your 770 to support 2 gig card. It gave me the white screen of death. I'm going to try and reload the 2006 image again. Good idea fanoush...I'm going to try and save the image this time.

NokNok770 2006-06-30 16:37

Oh download stop at 20 seconds to go....what is the deal here. I'm stuck with a whitescreen 770 right now.... :(

Milhouse 2006-06-30 16:58

Can't install osso-xterm 0.13.mh8 :( - installation fails due to a missing GLIBC_2.4 symbol in

Bowie 2006-06-30 17:16

Good news.

The image is still available via the wizard as of the time of this writing (see date above..heh) ... It flashed cleanly, and looks quite good. :)

Incidentally, I copied off the fiasco.bin image, and will be making it available should Nokia kill off the last available route to get to it.

Hedgecore 2006-06-30 17:28

OK seriously. What is this? Besides the 'Here ya go - - just kidding!' approach Nokia took with this, nobody can complain about bricking their tablets if they're sneaking in the back door and picking up the goods. For once I'm going to exercise some restraint and stick to the Beta for the time being. I don't believe that a few weeks was nearly long enough for a proper bug-fix cycle given all the issues I've noticed (crashes, connection mgr not finding any APs after being in sleep mode, complete lockups, less responsive mini keyboard, etc).

Milhouse 2006-06-30 17:30

Image (and updated Wizard) now on


Filename: SU-18_2006SE_1.2006.26-8_PR_F5_MR0_ARM.bin
Size: 63297647
Brief Description: Software Edition 2006 version 1.2006.26-8
Notes: This is the final release of the Internet Tablet OS 2006 edition published now for maemo developers. The final release will also be published at shortly.

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