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AapoRantalainen 2010-05-16 13:14

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Ok, I got mumble compiled on builder. Package is not optified or tested in any way. Because of issue of qt4 and PR1.2 package is not installable state.

*Builder uses PR1.2 and there libqt4-core = qt4.6
*Device uses PR1.1 and there libqt4-core = qt4.5 and libqt4-maemo5-core = qt4.6.

So I think it is best to wait PR1.2

AapoRantalainen 2010-05-30 20:24

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Mumble 1.2.2 is on extras-devel and it is working.

It uses qt4.6 and nothing has changed about it. So not all dialogs are working properly. You should have mumble installed on computer to understand texts on dialogs.

It is using pulseaudio and Speex (good things)

*OpenGL overlay disabled (meant to be used with OpenGL games)
*No server on this package.

Nice features:
*If mumble is not in view and you get chat-message you will get 'yellow-notification'

Help needed:
* I'm not able to optify it. ("Cannot chdir to debian/mumble")
* GUI: Menus and wizards.
* Text-to-speech is not working

Joorin 2010-05-30 20:39

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Not really sure about what kind of help you'd need with optifying it but how do you stage your things before creating the debian package?

bolbit 2010-05-30 23:07

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
my 2 cents :
i had to install a libcelt0-0 (apt-get install libcelt0-0) to make it work with my personal server as it is asked in one of the previous msg.

if you run "sudo mumble" you will access to the full gui, could be usefull to set up, but do not know if the setup is saved for the user user (:-))

and it is working good, there is an echo, but the option to reduce echo add a very important delay, so echo cancelation is not usefull .

and : Great, mumble working on N900 this is amazing !!

AapoRantalainen 2010-05-31 08:30

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
*libcelt0-0 is needed indeed, added dependency.

*mumble is readable when started with root: (root and user uses different theme)

I will add this until somebody wants tweak source code of mumble.

*If you want test text-to-speech:
install package speech-dispatcher
start with sudo speech-dispatcher
start mumble and it will work.

There are information how to make it service and start on boot:

I have debian/optify (all)
there are build dependency for maemo-optify
debian/rules has maemo-optify (now commented out, because it gives error)

* It actually needs only one binary, so it is now moved to opt and start script is in /usr/bin

BeQuis 2010-06-02 16:33

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
When upgraded to optified version mumble now gives me "Unable to find matching CELT codecs with other clients" and I can't hear or talk to anyone. Was working fine before. Whats wrong? :/

Good job on the project btw, loving it!

AapoRantalainen 2010-06-02 17:31

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo

Originally Posted by BeQuis (Post 696128)
When upgraded to optified version mumble now gives me "Unable to find matching CELT codecs with other clients" and I can't hear or talk to anyone.

When it says this? On starting, or connecting to server or when another client is on the server? Are you starting from terminal, or is there some pop-up warning?

This is what I get:
~ $
Unsupported date format character at 1 (%-d.%-m.)
QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.
CELT bitstream 8000000b from
Locale is fi_FI

Do you have this: /usr/lib/

On repository there are version libcelt 0.7.1-2
Mumble has bundled 0.7.0 (which is dropped when optified)

If it is necessary, I can try to take that 0.7.0 version in, but it misses whole point of shared libraries.

CELT 0.7.0 and 0.7.1 should be compatible
(but 0.6.X is not)

BeQuis 2010-06-02 18:19

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Got it working again!


Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 696194)
When it says this? On starting, or connecting to server or when another client is on the server? Are you starting from terminal, or is there some pop-up warning?

This came on the mumble console (or chatbox whatever) when starting.


Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 696194)
Do you have this: /usr/lib/

Surely was missing this and installing it manually solved the problem. Thank you!

ummon 2010-06-07 15:39

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
I wanted to say thank you for your work on mumble for the N900.

It,s working quite nice here. I also had problems with libcelt0-0 but believe it was my fault because I had only maemo-extras, maemo-devel and not maemo-testing activated during installation.
An "apt-get install libcelt0-0" with activated maemo-testing got it working with celt too. Speaking with push to talk is working nice. hearing te other speak is quite laggy but working most of the time aceptable. Sometimes the incoming voice starts stuttering and becomes nearly incomprehensible. I belive it may have to do with the powermanagement and the N900 setting the clockspeed of the cpu down to much. My N900 is running at default cpu speed. Another issue I noticed is that while mumble is running I am not able to tap into the menu behind the clock and connection symbols.

Keep up the good work and thanks again.

AapoRantalainen 2010-06-07 19:14

Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo

Originally Posted by ummon (Post 703647)
Another issue I noticed is that while mumble is running I am not able to tap into the menu behind the clock and connection symbols.

I can confirm this, but no idea what causes it.


Originally Posted by ummon (Post 703647)
An "apt-get install libcelt0-0" with activated maemo-testing got it working with celt too.

This is good tip.

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