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TrueJournals 2009-06-03 04:13

Re: The latest MediaBox
Wow! Just tried lyric support in the new MediaBox, and it's pretty cool! I'm starting to like MediaBox better than Canola... Just a few things...
  • Can MediaBox download album art for me? Or do I have to take care of that with another program/manually? Will it use the image embedded in the track's metadata if there is one?
  • In the previous version, there was a list of songs that were cued up to play displayed on the left. Is this gone in favor of playlists?

That's all that popped out at me, really... Keep up the good work!

pycage 2009-06-03 19:48

Re: The latest MediaBox

Originally Posted by TrueJournals (Post 293226)
[*]Can MediaBox download album art for me? Or do I have to take care of that with another program/manually? Will it use the image embedded in the track's metadata if there is one?

MediaBox doesn't download album art yet. Images embedded in the track's metadata are displayed. E.g. Amazon sells MP3s with embedded cover art (high resolution, still looking great on my 42" TV screen!) and MediaBox displays it fine.


Originally Posted by TrueJournals (Post 293226)
[*]In the previous version, there was a list of songs that were cued up to play displayed on the left. Is this gone in favor of playlists?

That thumbnail strip on the left is gone for good. It cluttered the UI and caused slowness when switching views.


Originally Posted by TrueJournals (Post 293226)
That's all that popped out at me, really... Keep up the good work!

Thanks, I'll do! :)

gazza_d 2009-06-03 20:00

Re: The latest MediaBox
I have been having more of a play with the latest version and continue to be really impressed.

Please could you add as a feature the ability to play randomly the whole music library.

Also the only other thing I have found so far is that all of the internet radio stations imported from media player work fine,except the one I listen to(typical!) which is Planet Rock.

This is the URL and it works fine in media player, but in mediabox it just sits there reporting buffering at 0%.


pycage 2009-06-03 20:17

Re: The latest MediaBox

Originally Posted by gazza_d (Post 293449)
Please could you add as a feature the ability to play randomly the whole music library.

I put it on the TODO list.


Originally Posted by gazza_d (Post 293449)
This is the URL and it works fine in media player, but in mediabox it just sits there reporting buffering at 0%.

This sounds like the media backend (mplayer) is unable to play the stuff. Try changing the media player backend for "Unknown-Audio" to "OSSO-Media-Server" in the preferences view.
".wax" is not a known file type extension, so MediaBox will pick the player backend for "Unknown-Audio".
The station works. I just tried it with MediaBox on my PC. Ubuntu's mplayer can handle the stream, so it's a backend issue on Maemo.

Un27Pee 2009-06-03 20:36

Re: The latest MediaBox
After the update appeared i knew there has been some siignifant changes so i uninstalled all and did a clean instalation, frankly this is awesome the UI is clean plays all my saved videos even from canola bookmarks. i only wish there is some update on worldtv some channels don't play well. thanks Pycage for the work you have put into this version. when do we expect version 1 too good to wait 2010 haha thanks.

gazza_d 2009-06-03 22:19

Re: The latest MediaBox

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 293455)
I put it on the TODO list.

Thanks - really forward to it.

This sounds like the media backend (mplayer) is unable to play the stuff. Try changing the media player backend for "Unknown-Audio" to "OSSO-Media-Server" in the preferences view.
".wax" is not a known file type extension, so MediaBox will pick the player backend for "Unknown-Audio".
The station works. I just tried it with MediaBox on my PC. Ubuntu's mplayer can handle the stream, so it's a backend issue on Maemo.

It's odd as I actually listen to it most days using media player on the tablet, so it's\ not a maemo probelm as such, although Canola won't touch it either.
Changing "Unknown-Audio" to "OSSO-Media-Server" just gives me a "Unsupported Media Format" Error screen. Gstreamer doesn't work any better either

Bobbe 2009-06-03 23:47

Re: The latest MediaBox
Just like, wow!

How the hell is it playing my unconverted 1:40h movies?

With no glitches, hiccups, nothing?

I mean...
WOW! =))

Edit: one of them looks diagonally distorted actually.

But still, wow man, congrats!

glug 2009-06-03 23:53

Re: The latest MediaBox
I kind of liked the side buttons where the thumb scroller is now, but the other improvements more than make up for this. Great release as always!

But, what happenned to the classic theme? It isn't installed and it isn't in Application Manager? It'd be great if it was released with the other themes. It was my favorite.

Bobbe 2009-06-04 00:03

Re: The latest MediaBox
The side scrollbar was the one thing I missed in it =))

I dunno how to configure it to show lyrics tho. It just says 'no lyrics found'. Is there anything I should tweak?

Laughing Man 2009-06-04 00:36

Re: The latest MediaBox
Hmm are lyrics also supported through embed? Or just a seperate file?

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