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JayOnThaBeat 2009-10-15 00:56

Re: Nokia N920 Leak ?

Originally Posted by Verythrax (Post 346848)
Oops! And I thought I had read the thread carefully before posting :eek:

That wasn't directed towards you... that's why I did a quick edit... was hoping I'd beat you to a reply after I re-read it ;)

attila77 2009-10-15 10:24

Re: Nokia N920 Leak ?

Originally Posted by JayOnThaBeat (Post 346829)
From this and other threads, I am beginning to believe that I am the only one that can tell when Hogwash is blowin smoke, tryin to be funny (sometimes succeeding).

It's a lot simpler than that. The point is you have to respond with Hogwash ! to everything he says :D

Rauha 2009-10-15 10:49

Re: Nokia N920 Leak ?

Originally Posted by bocaJ (Post 346837)
Talk about FUD.

For one thing, why would Nokia want to develope for Windows Mobile - Microsoft seems to be doing OK on their own, why would Nokia help a defacto competitor?

For another, the code couldn't be "locked up". You would be able to request such code under license else Nokia would be sued.

Talk about badly implemented sarcasm detection.

fanoush 2009-10-15 11:24

Re: Nokia N920 Leak ?

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 346713)
May I ask why? For the nostalgia effect? :p

I already have OS2008 on my N810 and use it everywhere (because of the keyboard, smaller device size and usable leather sleeve) so I guess the nostalgia is part of the answer too. Other reasons are - Opera browser (speed), stylus friendly UI (no big menus) and overall device speed (OS2008 added some bloat). Also it is a good test machine for backward compatibility when testing ScummVM and other stuff. So yes the purpose is a bit special but still, when I am at home and need to put N810 on charger and pick up N800 with OS2007 I am pleasantly surprised with the difference. True that there is not much fresh software but the old setup I have there is good.

qgil 2009-10-15 12:51

Re: Nokia N920 Leak ?
This thread has been posted to the Harmattan forum. I reckon the Harmattan UI is not public yet but, trust me, it's not a Bora revival. :)

Can someone move this thread e.g. to the Design forum? B)

egrims 2009-10-15 14:30

N920 and Capacitive?

Just saw this posted on Engadget. Looks like the Restive vs. Capacitive screen battle will ensue a little longer...

NvyUs 2009-10-15 14:37

Re: N920 and Capacitive?
i'm just curious why are people presuming the next maemo device will be capacitive screen running maemo 6.
people, there will be more maemo 5 devices to come i'm sure of that, so dont hold out for the next gen as thats still a long time away

pelago 2009-10-15 14:44

Re: N920 and Capacitive?

Originally Posted by egrims (Post 347225)

Article seems to have been removed...

TheBootroo 2009-10-15 14:45

Re: Nokia N920 Leak ?
lol maemo 4 diablo on the screen : FAAAAAAAKE !!!!

verumgero 2009-10-15 14:46

Re: Nokia N920 Leak ?
I'm pretty sure that picture says NOKLA

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