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spann 2009-10-16 16:45

Re: Important UK issue - N900 doesn't work on 3 mobile?
I see that the priority field on the bug report has now been updated to "high". Also, a quote confirms that the problem is known about internally and has high priority.

So, some good news there.

Once I get confirmation that the problem is resolved, I will definitely be re-ordering. Would be great if that happened before the nokia online shop discount code expires on the 21st of October!


ccc1 2009-10-19 14:12

Re: Important UK issue - N900 doesn't work on 3 mobile?
yeah lets hope that get fixed soon, since it's a dealbreaker for me as well ...

JR99 2009-11-06 00:00

Re: Important UK issue - N900 doesn't work on 3 mobile?

Originally Posted by eiffel (Post 347356)
I found this in the 3 PAYG SIM Only Terms and Conditions:

Perhaps there is a setting in the N900 which disables 3G but leaves 2G enabled? If so, that would cause 3 to invalidate the SIM.

The reason 3 does this is that they have to pay another network (Orange?) for 2G roaming, so they lose money if someone uses a handset that's only capable of 2G operation.


Hi there, I am new to this community. I am really excited about the N900 but i just thought about researching about network support before buying it and ended up here.

Im on 3 contract with my N96. I had this issue with 3g coverage, whenever im inside the house the network bar becomes empty, so I thought about changing it to 2g but I could'nt.(since it was a branded phone- just showed DUAL MODE in the network option-Reason i want to buy unlocked phone:rolleyes:).So then i De- Branded my phone and flashed it with nokia's firmware.So now I have these options under network mode:
1) Dual mode -(3g & 2g mix)
2) UMTS - (3g)
3) GSM -(2g)

So now i am on GSM and network bar is totally full.You can access planet 3, check your usage and all the other minor bits.:D The only downside about this is that , whenever I access Planet 3 it says " you cant access the full version of the store".But this is no big issue because you can switch between GSM to UMTS if you want to access full version of planet 3 (TV on Demand etc).

Quoting their terms and conditions, they have said that the sim will be disabled if used in 2g, well i have been using in GSM mode for 8 months now and it never disabled my sim :eek:. Do you get what i mean?
Secondly i have compared these two phones (N96 & N900) and the 3g and 2g sections show the same figures. So i don't get whats the problem in using 3 sim in N900. The N96 can handle it:p

Please correct me if I am wrong:D

matikjn 2009-11-06 00:34

Re: Important UK issue - N900 doesn't work on 3 mobile?
Apparently the issue is for particular types of sim cards.

I guess it might not affect all 3 customers.

JR99 2009-11-06 00:46

Re: Important UK issue - N900 doesn't work on 3 mobile?
Thanks buddy!!! im ordering it straight away..I mean now

MisterSim76 2009-11-07 17:41

Re: Important UK issue - N900 doesn't work on 3 mobile?
Hi there

Since this thread was started back in october, the N900 shipping date has slipped to November.

Does anyone know/or have anything new to add whether during this time Nokia has solved the issue of Hutchinson 3G mobile SIM cards not being recognised by the N900 handset?

As I'm currently with the 3 mobile network & have been informed by Nokia that my device will (most probably) ship on 9th November, things are a little late in the day now for me to start cancelling orders.

I really can't believe that such an important issue like this could be overlooked in development....I'm really hoping that Nokia have fixed this issue in the final shipping product, or I will have to send the handset back :(

Cybjit 2009-11-07 20:18

Re: Important UK issue - N900 doesn't work on 3 mobile?
When I saw this, I switched carrier. It will cost me slightly more, but the N900 is worth it.

eiffel 2009-11-07 20:23

Re: Important UK issue - N900 doesn't work on 3 mobile?
Here's what Peter said:


There are a limited number of new Hutchinson 3G SIM cards that require a specific technical SIM card support in the mobile device. Nokia N900 has not originally been designed to support this operator requirement. As soon as we found out about this requirement, we started to work on the solution. A software update for the Nokia N900, estimated to be available by the end of this year, will fix this issue.

jjx 2009-11-10 13:30

Re: Important UK issue - N900 doesn't work on 3 mobile?
A software update for the Nokia N900, estimated to be available by the end of this year, will fix this issue.

The end of the year is a long time to wait... It would be nice if they had any progress updates on the bug report.

sjgadsby 2009-11-10 13:46

Re: Important UK issue - N900 doesn't work on 3 mobile?

Originally Posted by jjx (Post 371155)
The end of the year is a long time to wait... It would be nice if they had any progress updates on the bug report.

Oh, yes! My goodness, barring having to miss their self-imposed deadline, this means--worst case--the fix for compatibility with a solitary operator might not be available for a month and a half after the time the N900 appears for sale in stores. As they say on that other, squirrel-based site, EVERYBODY PANIC!

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