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andy80 2009-10-31 21:36

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by opengeek (Post 362627)
Hi, I introduce myself: I'm a second year student in the Barcelona Faculty of Informatics, a Faculty that is part of the well known Technical Univesity of Catalonia also known as Barcelona Tech.

Will be possible to have some students from BFI looking arround on the hackfest! I think it would be a great oportunity to learn about the free software world and to introduce maemo platform to students.

What do you think about it?

I leave, of course, the last word to Quim who is organizing this event, but in my hopinion it would be great :)

It's very good that some students are interested in Maemo without having to tell them that Maemo exists.

Actually I'm studying at Universidad Politecnica de Valencia and here nobody seems to know anything about Maemo. For this reason I'm organizing a Maemo conference here with the help of a UPV teacher, hoping to make lot of students to be interested in developing for Maemo platform.

I really hope you can come to this hackfest :)

javispedro 2009-10-31 21:37

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by opengeek (Post 362627)
Will be possible to have some students from BFI looking arround on the hackfest!

I've been considering that myself (spamming the alumni message boards ;) ), but with the hackfest being limited to 50 people, and considering the few people interested in Maemo development there (that I know of!) ... better wait a bit while the news travel over Maemo circles first.

qgil 2009-10-31 21:50

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
I haven't blogged yet because of the TENTATIVE. And the TENTATIVE depends on the first reactions. They are very positive so far and I will wait until Monday, back to the office, to decide if we can confirm it.

The group of 50 people neds to be filled with people experienced already in Maemo development (hence the requirement of having stuff in OS2008 Extras or Maemo 5 extras-devel) or UX (hence the requirementof having visual stuff to show). We might have exceptions only if we are not overbooked and if we have budget.

But... this doesn't stop us (or you, penya barcelonina) of organizing more things around that. Presentation of Maemo 5 & the N900? Introduction to Maemo development? L10n of software or documentation to Spanish / Catalan? Primer Sopar de Germanor Tabletaire?

Keep the ideas coming. We will make the basic decisions next week.

opengeek 2009-10-31 21:52

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
I expect iIwill have a response by Quim but I think that if we are on Barcelona the summit will no have an extra cost because we are there. Isn't it?

opengeek 2009-10-31 21:55

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
what we need to start translating maemo4 and maemo5 to catalan?

javispedro 2009-10-31 21:58

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by opengeek (Post 362647)
what we need to start translating maemo4 and maemo5 to catalan?

Please open a new thread about this. There are a few people already doing translations and I'll point them to your thread if you do that. Note though that I won't be of any help, I suck at localizing...

opengeek 2009-10-31 22:00

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
First i'll try to find some people on the faculty to help me with the task because i don't nothing about it.

andy80 2009-10-31 22:00

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 362637)
I haven't blogged yet because of the TENTATIVE. And the TENTATIVE depends on the first reactions. They are very positive so far and I will wait until Monday, back to the office, to decide if we can confirm it.

The group of 50 people neds to be filled with people experienced already in Maemo development (hence the requirement of having stuff in OS2008 Extras or Maemo 5 extras-devel) or UX (hence the requirementof having visual stuff to show). We might have exceptions only if we are not overbooked and if we have budget.

But... this doesn't stop us (or you, penya barcelonina) of organizing more things around that. Presentation of Maemo 5 & the N900? Introduction to Maemo development? L10n of software or documentation to Spanish / Catalan? Primer Sopar de Germanor Tabletaire?

Keep the ideas coming. We will make the basic decisions next week.

ouch... sounds like I don't match the requirements, since my application is not in Maemo repository yet, but it doesn't matter, I'm sure there are many more peple who deserve to come, before than me and I really want Maemo 5 to be improved :)

About the presentation, just to tell you, we (I and profesor Antonio Cano) are going to do it on 10th December, here in Valencia at Politecnica (if you remember, at the Summit I asked you some suggestion about how I could make students interested in what I'm going to talk about :P ). When we have more details, I'll create a little page on the Maemo Wiki with all informations (event will be open to all, not only for UPV students).

Let's continue spreading this event to all Maemo developers since they really have priority and then we will be able to get more people interested helping us.

qgil 2009-10-31 22:01

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by opengeek (Post 362647)
what we need to start translating maemo4 and maemo5 to catalan?

To tell you the truth: I don't know (but I will ask). Several people is asking these days the same question. For Arabic, Catalan, Turkish... Can you or someone please start a new thread in Development as this is totally off topic in this thread? Thank you.

On the other hand, if the event happens the host will be

They have several rooms available with different sizes, including an auditorium for 400 people.

andy80 2009-10-31 22:06

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by opengeek (Post 362639)
I expect iIwill have a response by Quim but I think that if we are on Barcelona the summit will no have an extra cost because we are there. Isn't it?

if the 50 number of people limitation is only for the budget and you are all from Barcelona, I don't think you'll be a cost for them. Nokia in these cases sponsor travel and/or accomodation, but since you're already there you won't be a cost.

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