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submono 2009-12-30 21:16

Re: WordPy 2.0
Does MaStory also work with WordPress blogs that are not hosted on itself?

yerga 2009-12-31 12:17

Re: WordPy 2.0

Originally Posted by submono (Post 447153)
Does MaStory also work with WordPress blogs that are not hosted on itself?

You have to activate the XML-RPC function if it isn't activated, in your Wordpress configuration: Settings -> Writing -> Remote publishing, and enable the XML-RPC checkbox.

ARJWright 2010-01-02 15:25

Re: WordPy 2.0
MaStory is cool. It works as it should and I've just done my first post at MMM with it. definitely can use a feature where one can select to write plain text or HTML formatted text.

In the about menu, the rating screen points to a dead link. What you do there all developers should do. I'd even argue that the donations page you have is also very smart. probably should combine the two into a general 'feedback' screen with a button for both on it.

Feature request: need to integrate with whomever is doing a spellchecker/dictionary application. Would be nice id that were a systemwide dictionary and then apps plugged into it. If this also accessed the predictive text dictionary; then another win for text composition on the N900.

Again, great work Yerga.

maya 2010-01-23 17:50

Re: WordPy 2.0

Originally Posted by yerga (Post 447828)
You have to activate the XML-RPC function if it isn't activated, in your Wordpress configuration: Settings -> Writing -> Remote publishing, and enable the XML-RPC checkbox.

here has not yet solved.

even with XML-RPC enabled and uploads folder with chmod 777 permission

maya 2010-01-27 13:30

Re: WordPy 2.0

Originally Posted by maya (Post 490695)
here has not yet solved.

even with XML-RPC enabled and uploads folder with chmod 777 permission

ok, I discovered I had problem in DNS and now I have access to other services such as repositories Nokia and sending SMS via Webtext.

But as the MaStory do is not publishing the posts, which the correct configuration of the Wordpress to the following fields:

Account name:?


http://mysite/news/ worked perfectly.

maya 2010-01-28 12:54

Re: WordPy 2.0
My wordpress automatically generates 'post thumbs' on the front page.
Is there any way to do this with the MaStory?

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