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DaveR53 2009-11-23 22:06

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Cancelled, 3 discount codes. Natwest Card. I phoned them up and they said that Nokia did try to put an order through but it was held for confirmation. They've now said the payment is authorised but I don't think Nokia are going to try again with my original order.

I've emailed their billing department (replied to the cancellation email) telling them that the order is now authorised, so I guess the ball is in their court now :(

jjx 2009-11-23 23:45

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Cancelled. Credit card said for fraud prevention.

2 discount codes: 30%.

Order was recreated a few weeks ago by a telephone call from Nokia, where they recalculated the total 30% discount a different way, so it was definitely legit by then.

Nothing wrong with my credit card details.

Shipping same as billing address.

Got the "your order is ready to be shipped" mail, then 40 minutes later, "your order has been cancelled".

My credit card company could not give me a specific reason for the decline, only that they put a block on the card for fraud prevention. The block persisted to prevent future transactions, until I called the card company: two other transactions were blocked after the Nokia one.

A most intriguing thing is the card company said they have logged a declined authorization, but a short time later logged an accepted authorization for the same amount. They told me acceptances are sometimes lost, though, so not to count on it.

Could it be that's order handling has received a declined authorization, sent a "cancelled order" email, and then later received an acceptance and passed through the order anyway? Perhaps there are bugs remaining in the order handling process...

Or perhaps it retried in the normal way, and they have been logged in reverse order by the card company.

Going to to view "Order History", the order detail still says "not shipped". But then again, the previous order which has been cancelled (by that call from Nokia replacing it with the new order) is still there and also says "not shipped". It could mean anything.

Trying to view "Order Invoice", however, results in a server error... Only for the newer order. The older one (which has been cancelled) has a working invoice; only the one I care about returns server error :-)

That error may suggest their ordering system is a bit buggered in some way. Who knows, they might acknowledge a fault, tidy it all up and make us all happy in the end. (The call I received to recreate the order a few weeks ago was handled very well).

If it is Nokia's fault that these orders are being declined and cancelled, I think it would be reasonable to let customers have their previous discounted price, perhaps with a different card if there are persistent declinations happening as some are reporting in the USA.

mardibloke 2009-11-23 23:55

Re: cancelled my order - UK
List so far:

mardibloke quidco
cgarvie 3 codes
jimus no discounts
ewan 1 code
jimcon 3 codes
daver53 3 codes
jjx 2 codes


jjx 2009-11-24 00:15

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by mardibloke (Post 387856)
List so far:

mardibloke quidco
cgarvie 3 codes
jimus no discounts
ewan 1 code
jimcon 3 codes
daver53 3 codes
jjx 2 codes


Unfortunately it'll suffer from confirmation bias, perhaps even that much. People replying here are the sort of people who read the forums avidly, having been passionately waiting for weeks or months, and knew to use the discount codes when the preordered, or even to cancel their preorder and make a new one when more discount codes became talked about here.

mklass 2009-11-24 00:27

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I used 2 codes and it came off my Natwest visa card.. My order has not been cancelled..

noelsolutions 2009-11-24 00:39

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Friend just contacted me asking if my order had been cancelled, I said no. He got the first email and then within an hour got the cancelled email. How long did it take for you lot to get the second email. My friend called Nokia and is getting a call back today as it was escalated as new orders loose discount.

jjx 2009-11-24 00:44

Re: cancelled my order - UK
40 minutes between the "congratulations" and the "commiserations" mails.

ewan 2009-11-24 01:10

Re: cancelled my order - UK
There was almost exactly half an hour between mine. I really don't understand how it's possible for Nokia to be this utterly incompetent, I really don't. Given the number of people from this forum alone that have had orders cancelled this must be something they're used to, so why respond by totally freaking out and cancelling an order entirely?

Honestly, I first ordered this thing on the 16th of October, then ordered it again on the 29th after they stuffed up the first one, and now this. If (and at this point it really is an 'if') I order it again it'll be the third time, which is a piss-poor performance by any standard.

I'm going to give them a call in the morning, but if they won't honour the (perfectly reasonable, good-faith, single) discount code, then I'm not ordering it at full price. I still want it, but there's no way I'm paying an extra seventy five quid for having been messed around.

Micky 2009-11-24 05:18

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Email of order processing received, creditcard charged.

No shipping email yet, but I guess this will follow soon.

RevdKathy 2009-11-24 08:10

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Don't think it is technically 'incompetence'. Putting aside the people who admit their orders were cancelled because they'd made an entry error or didn't have enough credit, it looks to me like the automated system spat out a lot of the ones with lots of discounts, which then had to be entered manually. And that seems to have caused people's banks to query whether it's legit.

I suppose we ought to be glad the banks are on the ball for catching sudden big expenditure.

It sucks for those losing multiple discount, though I confess I'm mazed how those got through anyway... usually these things say "Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer" so Nokia clearly missed a trick letting them through. They are honouring the ones for people whose banks were less viligant - which is really only partially good news for them. Which is better? A big discount or a vigilant credit company?

BTW, anyone heard anything from quidco yet?

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