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ssupreet 2009-12-24 05:38

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?
I have a vodafone connection, live in delhi and probably will have the phone with me by day after , i have waited long for this phone, its good to kne that airtel and vodafone edge works fine on it...

what all things would u suggest has the must have for n900, and also are u guys using any cover for it ?

abhisheiktripathi2007 2009-12-24 16:42

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?

Originally Posted by Omkar (Post 439928)
Hey guys the N900 is available in dubai duty free for AED 3000. its the UAE version but keyboard and everything else is normal(arrow keys and no umlaot characters). warranty is 12 m onths but in UAE only. this rules out fear of customs duty as its duty free..:D

Do you mean to say that if I bring it here in India I won't have to pay the excise duties? Is that so? I thought it is mandatory to cough up excise duty if one brings anything from outside the country.
Anyone having more information on this issue please help.

lohiaprateek 2009-12-24 23:31

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?
my friend got my phone from the US with box and all mauals and no issues...depends on how much other stuff you carrying or suspicions, if they catch you... and regarding the cover if you dont want drop protection zagg's invisible sheild is the best product out there...if you want drop protection buy an generic leather cover available at pantaloons/shopper stop etc..

Omkar 2009-12-25 07:21

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?

Originally Posted by abhisheiktripathi2007 (Post 440476)
Do you mean to say that if I bring it here in India I won't have to pay the excise duties? Is that so? I thought it is mandatory to cough up excise duty if one brings anything from outside the country.
Anyone having more information on this issue please help.

ya. if u buy anything at the airport u dont have to pay excise tax. check it out on the govt. site.. the dubai terminal 3 has a very huge duty free shopping center. :D

abhisheiktripathi2007 2009-12-28 20:57

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?
Hi friends.
Well I have dropped the idea of N900 from Finland. I have now decided to bring it from USA as it will cost way too less there as compared to Finland. The price of US N900 is Rs. 27000 only.
But there's one problem. I have not got many contacts there and whatever contacts I have are not in a mood to come to India recently. I have thus decided to ask them to courier the phone to my address. Here are some doubts. Kindly help me out

1. Which courier company is the least expensive and what is the rate of delivery from USA to New Delhi?
2. Will I have to pay customs on the mobile? I have checked the customs site many times but could not get the required info. Some sites mention cellphones are duty free some say they aren't. Anyone having the details of rate of customs on mobile phones in India please help me.

mysticrokks 2009-12-28 21:26

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?
in the uk and probally many other countries it is pot luck if you get stung on customs.. in india thinghs may well be much stricter.

mysticrokks 2009-12-28 21:28

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?
your rate will be your value asdded the uk its VAT.. not sure what it is in india, it is basicslly the difference between what a consumer and a business pays for a product or service.

lohiaprateek 2010-01-03 08:39

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?

Originally Posted by abhisheiktripathi2007 (Post 444297)
Hi friends.
Well I have dropped the idea of N900 from Finland. I have now decided to bring it from USA as it will cost way too less there as compared to Finland. The price of US N900 is Rs. 27000 only.
But there's one problem. I have not got many contacts there and whatever contacts I have are not in a mood to come to India recently. I have thus decided to ask them to courier the phone to my address. Here are some doubts. Kindly help me out

1. Which courier company is the least expensive and what is the rate of delivery from USA to New Delhi?
2. Will I have to pay customs on the mobile? I have checked the customs site many times but could not get the required info. Some sites mention cellphones are duty free some say they aren't. Anyone having the details of rate of customs on mobile phones in India please help me.

you will have to pay your friends in the US will have to declare the item and also declare the value of the shipment for insurance purposes....and customs will have to paid on the declared amount

abhisheiktripathi2007 2010-01-03 08:39

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?

Originally Posted by lohiaprateek (Post 440904)
my friend got my phone from the US with box and all mauals and no issues...depends on how much other stuff you carrying or suspicions, if they catch you... and regarding the cover if you dont want drop protection zagg's invisible sheild is the best product out there...if you want drop protection buy an generic leather cover available at pantaloons/shopper stop etc..

hey prateek will you please do me a favour? will you ask your friend (who brought n900 for you from USA) whether the phone is available at all nokia shops or only at nokia flagship stores in new york and chicago.
i mean to say
1. can i purchase the phone from any nokia shop in washington or only the flagship stores sell it?
2. will the shop deliver the phone hand to hand or it will order the phone and ask me to wait for some days?

lohiaprateek 2010-01-03 08:43

Re: Is anyone using a N900 in India?

Originally Posted by abhisheiktripathi2007 (Post 450852)
hey prateek will you please do me a favour? will you ask your friend (who brought n900 for you from USA) whether the phone is available at all nokia shops or only at nokia flagship stores in new york and chicago.
i mean to say
1. can i purchase the phone from any nokia shop in washington or only the flagship stores sell it?
2. will the shop deliver the phone hand to hand or it will order the phone and ask me to wait for some days?

yaar aise matt khareed...its from thats where i got my phone from nokia was like 630$ or sumin with express delivery and newegg was like 570 with express like its cheaper..because newegg does not pay sales tax so u save money here..and this saved money can be paid for like customs..

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