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Darkwolf 2010-03-25 12:32

Re: milkdrop
Fantastic stuff mangodan2003.
Saw this thread and went like "hey yeah! why not!".
Not a programmer myself but I highly respect those who put time and effort in marvelous creations and "ports" for the Nokia N900.
I hope that you will find the time and energy to continue on your current achievements with this nifty project. ;)

rfeese 2010-03-25 18:59

Re: milkdrop

Originally Posted by mangodan2003 (Post 567077)
Linking CXX executable projectM-pulseaudio
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXQueryVersion'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetProcAddressARB'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetClientString'

I don't think these methods are supported in the Maemo OpenGLES implementation so you will have to modify the code to use what is available.

mangodan2003 2010-03-27 10:37

Re: milkdrop

Originally Posted by rfeese (Post 582262)
I don't think these methods are supported in the Maemo OpenGLES implementation so you will have to modify the code to use what is available.

Indeed they are not. I have got past this to the point where the app builds and runs, it currently says its loading the milkdrop presets but gets no further, the gui never appears, it just seems to hang.

So i will need to find another spare evening ;)

felbutss 2010-03-28 22:40

Re: milkdrop
wwoo almost there. :)

felbutss 2010-04-13 01:06

Re: milkdrop
how are you going with this guys???

mangodan2003 2010-04-13 16:47

Re: milkdrop
Hi, sorry for the long silence, i have been busy with work and house moving recently and not had a chance to look at it again. (Must confess to also having a new toy (o2 joggler)) I will post back when i make any progress,

felbutss 2010-04-24 00:56

Re: milkdrop

lq_sunshine 2010-04-28 08:14

Re: milkdrop
and?? success??


Dima202 2010-05-02 23:11

Re: milkdrop
I vote for this as well! Would be freaking awesome!!

felbutss 2010-05-06 01:30

Re: milkdrop
it would be awesome........... any updates????? this will make front page on the phone sites. it would be so cooollll

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